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The Warwick Caribbean Endowment Fund Appeal

The Centre aims to provide more postgraduate and research opportunities for able young people from the Caribbean, giving them the opportunity to experience life and work in one of the UK's leading universities in order to further the cause of Caribbean scholarship and contribute to a new generation of Caribbean citizens in many different areas of life who are bound by closer and more positive ties with the UK.

It is in this context that the Warwick Caribbean 2004 Scholarship Endowment Fund Appeal was established in 2004. Donations to the Fund, which benefit from the University's charitable status, provide a steady tax free income for the foreseeable future, so enabling us to implement our plans to increase higher education opportunities for all Caribbean students and to develop the Centre in new directions, drawing on public, academic and business partnerships.

We seek support from public and private sources. Your contribution will help to bring a greater number of deserving and talented young people to Warwick, to benefit from what the Centre and the University have to offer. Should you wish to become a donor, please complete the donation form and return with your cheque (made payable to: University of Warwick) to: Lisa Cook, Room H505, Humanities Building, Centre for Caribbean Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL. United Kingdom.