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Dr China Miéville


BA, MA, PhD (LSE, 2002); China Mieville is a writer of fiction and non-fiction. His fiction has won various awards, including the Arthur C Clarke and British Fantasy Awards. He is Associate Professor of Creative Writing at Warwick, and an Honorary Research Fellow at Birkbeck College School of Law.

Research interests

Science fiction; fantastic literature; supernatural horror; experimental/avant-garde writing (especially Surrealism). International law. Critical and Marxist theory. Monsters. Rubbish/garbage. Cephalopods in culture.

Selected publications

The City & the City (2009)

Un Lun Dun (2007)

Iron Council (2004)

Perdido Street Station (2000)

Looking for Jake (2005).

Between Equal Rights: A Marxist Theory of International Law (2005)

Red Planets: Marxism ans Science Fiction (co-edited with Mark Bould: 2009).

(for fuller list see publications page).

Teaching and supervision

He teaches on the Practice of Fiction module (EN236); and supervises students on the Creative Writing MA. He also teaches a non-credit course on early twentieth-century 'Weird Fiction', running in January and February every year.