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Case Histories: A roundtable discussion with Oliver Sacks

21 January 2014
CHM was privileged to host a roundtable discussion on 'Case Histories' with renowned neurologist and author Dr Oliver Sacks, Visiting Professor to the University of Warwick. As well as our special guest, participants included some of CHM's postgraduate researchers and academic staff, other Warwick historians and colleagues from other disciplines and institutions. The starting point was examples from Dr Sacks' books Awakenings and The Mind's Eye, and a lively and wide-ranging discussion followed, touching on Sherlock Holmes and his methods, the body, being a writer and different kinds of histories.
The event was filmed. Here are some excerpts:

1. Introduction to the discussion:

2. Context in case histories; stereoscopic vision:

3. Discussion of the selected readings:

4. Interactions between the patient, the family and the institution:

5. Unanswered questions and their dramatic potential:

6. Writing case histories and writing history:

7. The relationship between physical and mental states:

8. Patients as exemplars; changing contexts; the importance of readers: