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People: Harriette Chick (1875-1977)

You can find out more about Chick's Research (PDF Document)Harriette Chick 1933

In the 1900s, Chick faced some resistance to her chosen career in biochemistry at a time when women remained in a substantial minority within science: 2. From Resistance to Acceptance (PDF Document)

During this period Chick worked with many of the most prominent biochemists at home and abroad: 3. Collaborators (PDF Document)

Although Chick showed a lifelong commitment to the Lister Institute in Chelsea, she also adopted an international approach to her research that led her to visit and work in Austria, Germany and the US: 4. International Networks (PDF Document)

Public interest in vitamins and nutrition carried Chick’s name still further afield and to general as well as specialist audiences: 5. Vitamins and Public Visibility (PDF Document)

More privately, Chick’s diaries and the recollections of colleagues paint this centenarian scientist as a warm and gregarious personality who found pleasure in people and collaborative research science into later life: 6. The Centenarian Scientist (PDF Document)

Image: Wellcome Library, London