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Political Space (University of Warwick, 3-6 November 2005)


Political Space in Preindustrial Europe

Workshop I of the Leverhulme Trust Academic Network

‘Social Sites – Öffentliche Räume – Lieux d’Echange’

(University of Warwick, 3-6 November 2005)




THURSDAY AFTERNOON (3 November 2005), 5 - 6.30 pm

Humanities Building: Room H051


Introduction (Chair: Beat Kümin, History, Warwick)


5pm ‘Welcome and introduction’

Beat Kümin, History, Warwick



Public keynote address


Proceedings will be opened by James C. Scott - whose concept of "social sites" inspired the name of the Network - with a lecture on insights and implications of work on "political space" in another regional and chronological context.

‘Fleeing the state in South-East Asia’

James C. Scott, Political Science and Anthropology, Yale




FRIDAY (4 November 2005)


Session 1) Political Sites (Chair: Susanne Rau, History, Dresden)




9.30am ‘Politics, clubs and social space’

Peter Clark, History, Helsinki [see abstract]


10.15am ‘Political spaces of Parliamentary Enclosure in an upland environment: Cumbria c1760-1800’

Ian D. Whyte, Geography, Lancaster [see abstract]


11am Coffee


11.30am ‘Representing political space at a political site: the diets of the Holy Roman Empire in the sixteenth century’ Henry Cohn, Emeritus Reader, History, Warwick [see abstract]



12.15am Lunch




2pm ‘The princely court and political space in early modern Europe’

Ronald Asch, History, Freiburg i.B. [see abstract]


2.45pm ‘Comment’

Christopher Dyer, Local History, Leicester


3.15pm Tea


3.45-5.30pm Panel discussion


Network activities and perspectives


SATURDAY (5 November 2005)


Session 2) Spatial Politics (Chair: Gerd Schwerhoff, History, Dresden)




9.30am ‘Political and geographical space: The geopolitics of late medieval England’

Christine Carpenter, History, Cambridge [see abstract]


10.15am ‘Boundary work and reason: Building the public sphere in early modern England’

David Zaret, Sociology, Indiana [see abstract]


11am - 4pm Fieldtrip: ‘Spatial politics in the English parish c. 1300-1700’ – St Mary Warwick and St John the Baptist Berkswell.

Steve Hindle and Beat Kümin, History, Warwick [see abstract]




4pm ‘Which Switzerland? Contrasting conceptions of the early modern Swiss Confederation in minds and maps’

Andreas Würgler, History, Bern [see abstract]


4.45pm ‘Political terminology in Europe and Islam’

Antony Black, Politics, Dundee [see abstract]


5.30-630pm Panel discussion, with an introductory comment by Gerd Schwerhoff, History, Dresden



SUNDAY MORNING (6 November 2005)


General Discussion (Chair: Wolfgang Kaiser, History, Paris)


9.30am ‘Comment from a non-historical perspective’

Michael Crang, Geography, Durham


10am ‘Implications for historical research’

Bernard Capp, History, Warwick


10.30-12.30am General discussion
