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Week 17. Globalisation, Human Rights and International Law

Is the behaviour of people becoming global? What is the role of NGOs and IGOs? When and why have ‘global institutions’ emerged? Are human rights a force of globalisation? Why is a global strategy needed to deal with issues such as peace, food supplies and economic development? What is the role of war and other negative events in global history?

Task 1. (be prepared to lead the discussion)

Sumner B. Twiss, “History, Human Rights, and Globalization,” Journal of Religious Ethics, 32/1 (2004), pp. 39-70.

Tarak Barkawi, “Connection and Constitution: Locating War and Culture in globalization Studies,” Globalizations, 1/2 (2004), pp. 155-170.

Michael Bauer, 'Terrorism: September 11, 2001 and its Consequences, in Gordon Mantel, ed., A Companion to International History, 1900-2001 (London, 2010), pp. 422-436.[D443.C577]

Paul Duedahl, “Selling Mankind: UNESCO and the Invention of Global History, 1945-1976,” Journal of World History, 22/1 (2011) pp. 101-133.

Task 2. Two groups of 2 students

Consider one or more movements (ex. Greenpeace) and one institutions (UN, WTO etc.) and examine their impact on people’s lives globally and/or how they works (or do not work) at a global level. Please produce a A4 handout. You can work in pairs.