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Marking criteria (written) Chinese/Japanese/Korean 3/4

Class Scale Mark

Language, Accuracy, range, complexity and characters (70)

Task fulfilment and Content (30)
First Excellent 1st 100 Work of original and exceptional quality.
Merits special recognition.

Exemplary piece of writing
Exemplary level of grammar and spelling accuracy.
Exemplary use of a wide range of appropriate vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are used highly effectively throughout.(Where expected,) excellent use of register. Virtually no mistakes in characters
Task fulfilled beyond expectations.
Exceptionally sophisticated, original and skilful response to the task.
Outstanding ideas.
(Where expected,) highly persuasive and effective argumentation

94 Exceptional work of the highest quality.
Exceptional piece of writing
Exceptionally accurate level of grammar and spelling
Outstandingly wide range of appropriate vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are used effectively throughout.(Where expected,) excellent use of register.
Hardly any mistakes in characters
Task fulfilled to the highest expectations.
Sophisticated, original and skilful response to the task.
Outstanding ideas.
(Where expected,) highly persuasive and effective argumentation

High 1st 88 Very high quality work.
Excellent piece of writing.
Excellent level of grammar and spelling accuracy.
Only a small number of minor errors.
Excellent range of appropriate vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are used appropriately throughout.(Where expected,) excellent use of register.
Only a few mistakes in characters
Task fulfilled fully and effectively.
Very clear and appropriate response to task with some originality.
Excellent ideas.
(Where expected,) coherent and effective argumentation

Upper Mid 1st 82
Lower Mid 1st 78 Very high quality work
Generally excellent piece of writing.
Generally excellent level of grammar and spelling accuracy.
Fairly small number of errors which generally do not affect communication.
Generally excellent range of appropriate vocabulary and structures
Generally complex sentence structures are used appropriately.(Where expected,) excellent use of register.
Only occasional mistakes in characters
Task fulfilled fully.
Clear and appropriate response to taskExcellent ideas.
(Where expected,) coherent and sufficiently effective argumentation

Low 1st 74
Upper Second (2.
High 2.
68 Very good piece of writing
Very good accuracy.
There are some errors including isolated cases of a few major mistakes.
But generally they don’t impede the intended meaning.
Very good range of vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are attempted and well executed.(Where expected,) very good use of register.
Most of the characters are written correctly.
Very good fulfilment of all aspects of the task.
Clear response.
Very good ideas
(Where expected,) coherent and well-developed argumentation

Mid 2.
65 Good piece of writing
Mostly accurate.
There are some errors, including some major mistakes.
But in most cases, intended meaning is clear.
Very good range of vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are attempted and generally well executed.(Where expected,) very good use of register
Most of the characters are written correctly.
Generally good fulfilment of all aspects of the task, or very good fulfilment of most aspects of the task
Clear response.
Some very good ideas
(Where expected,) coherent and sufficiently developed argumentation
Low 2.
62 Mostly good piece of writing
Generally good accuracy.
There are some errors, including some persistent minor mistakes and some more major mistakes.
But in most cases, intended meaning is still recognisable.
Good range of vocabulary and structures
Complex sentence structures are attempted but not always executed competently.(Where expected,) good use of register
Most of the characters are written correctly.
Good fulfilment of most aspects of the task
Reasonably clear responseGood ideas
(Where expected,) coherent argumentation with some development.
Lower Second (2.
High 2.
58 Satisfactory piece of writing
There are a noticeable number of errors.
Most of them are minor, but some may be serious enough to affect meaning in parts.
Simple structures are used reasonably correctly, but complex structures tend to be erroneous.
Range of vocabulary and structures is somewhat limited but adequate for the communication.(Where expected,) satisfactory use of register.
Although there are some mistakes in characters, they are largely still recognizable.
Reasonable fulfilment of many aspects of the task
Most of the main points are addressed and expanded, but others are developed in a partial or simple manner.
Some good ideas.
(Where expected,) largely coherent and supported argumentation.

Mid 2.
55 Adequate piece of writing
There are a significantly noticeable number of errors.
Intended meaning can be difficult to understand in some parts.
Simple structures are often used correctly, but complex structures are often erroneous.
Range of vocabulary and structures is somewhat limited and simple.(Where expected,) satisfactory use of register.
Although there are some mistakes in characters, they are largely still recognizable.
Adequate fulfilment of the taskMany of the main points are addressed.
However some of them are developed in an unclear or insufficient manner.
Some good ideas.
(Where expected,) coherent and supported argumentation

Low 2.
52 Adequate piece of writing
There are a very significantly noticeable number of errors.
and some are so serious that intended meaning is unclear in some parts.
Simple structures are often used correctly, but complex structures are often erroneous.
Range of vocabulary and structures is limited and this affects the depth of communication.(Where expected,) satisfactory use of register.
Although there are some mistakes in characters, they are largely still recognizable.
Adequate fulfilment of the task
Many of the main points are addressed but overall somewhat in an unclear or simple manner.
Some good ideas.
(Where expected,) reasonably coherent and partially supported argumentation

Third High 3rd  48 Work of limited quality.
Limited piece of writing
Grammatical mistakes are frequent, which impede comprehension in many parts.
The range of vocab and structures are fairly limited.
Over all it tends to use more simple vocab and structures.
Only occasional attempts to use some complex vocab and structures, but attempts are often unsuccessful.Inconsistencies in register
Mistakes in writing characters are evident.
Limited fulfilment of the taskPartial response
Main points are addressed in a limited or minimum way.
Or some parts may be reasonably well expressed, but other parts are omitted or barely mentioned.
Ideas and reasons are presented, but not in a coherent manner.

  Mid 3rd 45
  Low 3rd 42
Fail High Fail 38 Work does not meet standards required for the level.
Evidence of study and demonstrates some knowledge and skills.

Unsatisfactory piece of writing
Most sentences contain errors and the number of errors makes comprehension difficult. Vocabulary and structures used tend to be simple.
Inappropriate register
Unsatisfactory response
Response is attempted, but unsuccessfully
Some of the main points may be mentioned, but they are inadequately or unclearly expressed.
Generally incoherent and/or irrelevant argument

Fail 32 Work is significantly below the standard required for the level.
Some evidence of study and skills acquired, but subject to very serious omissions and errors.
Very unsatisfactory piece of writing
Vocab and structures are very simple and erroneous.
It is difficult to understand even the gist.

Very unsatisfactory response.
Response is attempted, but incompletely and unsuccessfullySome ideas are presented but there is no logical development.
25 Poor quality work well below the standards required for the level.
Wholly unsatisfactory piece of writing
Occasional recognizable words and sentences but they make little sense
Little evidence of grammatical/lexical competence.
Or not enough language to assess
Failed response.
Most task elements missing.
Wholly inadequate grasp of the main issues.
Low Fail
Zero 0 Work of no merit OR Absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases Work of no merit OR Absent, work not submitted, penalty in some misconduct cases