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The Changeling Film Productions

1965 - directed by Derek Bennet; original air date 4 January 1965  (season 10, episode 18) as part of the TV series 'ITV Play of the Week' 1955-1968 which broadcast 199 plays (The Changeling was 144)'; a Granada Independent Television production

1974 - produced by Cedric Messina and directed by Antony Page; orginal air date 20 January 1974 (season 9, episode 5) as part of the TV series 'Play of the Month' 1965-1983 which broadcast 116 plays (The Changeling was 72); a BBC production

1993 - directed by Simon Curtis and adapted for TV by Michael Hastings; a BBC production with Elizabeth McGovern as Beatrice, Hugh Grant as Alsemero and Bob Hoskins as DeFlores; first broadcast on BBC2 on 11 December 1993, the production eliminated the sub-plot completely

1998 - directed and produced by Marcus Thompson; a United Independent Picture Limited production; see brochure

Ian Dury as De Flores    Amanda Ray-King as Beatrice Campbell Morrison as Lollio and Billy Connolly as Alibius   Richard Mayes as Vermandero and Colm O Maonlai as Alsemero 

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