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Non UK Qualified Doctors and Good Medical Practice: The Experience of Working Within a Different Professional Framework

The GMC commissioned a research study to explore the experiences of International Medical Graduates, including graduates from the European Economic Area, in adjusting to working within the GMC’s professional and ethical regulatory framework. The study used a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods and included a review of the information available to doctors wishing to apply for registration with the GMC. The study findings show that non-UK qualified doctors have difficulty accessing information and support that would help them to apply GMC guidance in practice. The study made several recommendations including the provision of targeted information, in post induction and training, and ongoing mentoring for doctors beginning work in the UK having qualified in another country. A smaller sample of UK qualified doctors showed that this support would be of general benefit to all newly registered doctors but is more likely to be already available to UK qualifiers.

Executive summary: Non UK qualified doctors and GMP executive summary(PDF Document)
Full report: Non UK qualified doctors and GMP full report(PDF Document)