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OHCAO Research projects

The OHCAO project have developed a plan of research utilising the information stored in the registry. The current projects include:

  • Epidemiology: The aim of this research is to establish the epidemiology and outcomes from OHCA in the UK
  • Case-Mix: The objective of this research is to identify key factors of ROSC at hospital transfer and survival to discharge, and to develop and evaluate risk prediction models of both survival outcomes
  • Evaluation of Bystander CPR Initiatives: BCPR more than doubles the chance of survival from OHCA. In this research we are examining the changes in BCPR rates across the UK using historical data, and assessing whether the various national/community CPR initiatives have impacted on these changes
  • Targeted Bystander CPR Initiatives: Targeted BCPR Initiatives: The community in which a person sustains an OHCA has an important influence on the likelihood of receiving BCPR and ultimately surviving. In this research we plan to identify high risk communities, where OHCA incidence is high and BCPR prevalence is low, that are an important target for public health interventions
  • Case Ascertainment: Consistency in approach for the case identification of OHCA is of central importance when comparing survival between ambulance services and contributing data to resuscitation trials. This research aims to determine the optimal method of identifying patients with OHCA to ensure complete ascertainment.
  • Data Linkage: The OHCA registry will be linked to existing routinely collected hospital data sources, and allow future evaluation of system characteristics and patient outcomes across health settings.


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Tel: 02476 572725


Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road

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