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Targeted Bystander CPR Initiatives

The community in which a person sustains an OHCA has an important influence on the likelihood that they will receive bystander-CPR (BCPR) and ultimately survive. Research in the USA has shown that people who live in communities that are primarily black or Latino, or low income families are 2-3 times more likely to have an OHCA. When they experience an OHCA, they are 30% less likely to receive CPR and as a result a very low likelihood of survival.

Research in London has shown that the incidence of OHCA in the South Asian population was significantly greater than white populations, and patients were significantly younger1. In Nottinghamshire, increasing level of deprivation has been associated with areas of increased OHCA incidence2. In North-East England, patients in least deprived areas were significantly more likely to receive BCPR compared to those in most deprived areas3.


In this research we propose to use the OHCAO registry to identify characteristics associated with high frequency of OHCA and low uptake of BCPR in order to identify areas for targeted community campaigns.

We will use mapping techniques to identify the location of each OHCA and assess the incidence in relation to information that is also available for the same location. This information includes the Index of Multiple Deprivation (and its 7 domains), ethnicity, population density, and long-term illness. The data will also be analysed using cluster analysis and geographically weighted regression.

1 Shah et al (2010), Heart, 96, 27-29; 2 Soo et al (2001), Resus, 48, 137-147; 3 Moncur et al (2016), Emerg Med J, 33, 105-8


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Warwick Clinical Trials Unit
Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road

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