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Social Science and Systems in Health Unit - Current Postgraduate Research Students

The Social Science and Systems in Health (SSSH) Unit has a strong track record of supervising and supporting postgraduate research students to successful completion of their doctoral research. Warwick Medical School postgraduate research students are supported by a comprehensive postgraduate training programme which provides research methods training and opportunities to develop a wide range of study and transferable skills. Listed below are research degrees currently being supervised by members of the SSSH Unit. Information about research degrees at Warwick Medical School

PhD's awarded in Health Sciences

Research Degrees currently being supervised by Members of the Social Science and Systems in Health Unit


Title of Research

Name of Student

Supervisor 1

Supervisor 2

A qualitative exploration of community-based group art initiatives and well-being for young adult carers

Galina Gardiner

Frances Griffiths

Ursula Read


‘Flares in Axial Spondyloarthritis - Treating with Effective Resources (FASTER)

Jake Grange

Kirstie Haywood

John Packham

CONNECT: Co-production of an intervention using realist evaluation to provide community-based care for women and partners who have experienced a stillbirth or second trimester miscarriage.

Becky MacGregor

Sophie Staniszewska

Sarah Hillman, Amy Grove and Debra Bick
"Exploring co-production approaches with young people and its implications for enhancing inclusive HIV programming in Nigeria"

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Bronwyn Harris / Frances Griffiths

Chinwe Onuegbu
Capturing, evaluating, and measuring the impact of patient and public involvement and engagement in public health research

Jade Jordan

Kate Seers

Sophie Staniszewska
Indigenous Care Ethics in Post-Colonial Africa; an Afrocentric exploration of the relevance and value of the Ubuntu philosophy in the development of the Palliative Care Profession in Zambia


Frances Griffiths

Development of interventions to improve the nutritional knowledge and status of Indonesian adolescents.


Debbie Marais

Paramjit Gill
“Sexual and reproductive health isn’t health, it’s sex”: An Exploratory Study to Understand the Lived Experience of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Within the Black British Female Community and how this Influences/Shapes Healthcare Choices and Behaviours.

Rhiannon Lee-Murray

Felicity Boardman

Sophie Rees and Abi Ayorinde
Self-Management Support in people with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): Co-producing a supportive self-management intervention and testing for feasibility.

Helen Eftekhari

Kate Seers

Sophie Staniszewska

Embedding co-production within patient and public involvement in the ARC West Midlands: Barriers and enablers

Emily Ahmed Sophie Staniszewska Kate Seers

International Medical Electives in Socio-Economically Contrasting Settings - A Mixed Methods Study

Birgit Fruhstorfer David Davies Frances Griffiths
Understanding the role of the Nurse Managers in a Saudi context. Challenges, enablers and ways to improve the Nurse Managers experience and performance Amira Assiry Kate Seers Sophie Staniszewska
Survivors of Cardiac arrest Charly Southern Kirstie Haywood Liz Tutton
Traumatic birth experiences in diverse populations Eleanor Molloy Deborah Biggerstaff Sophie Staniszewska
A comparative study of Menarche and Menstruation knowledge and experiences of girls age 10 -14 in low socio-economic localities of the Philippines and the UK. Rebecca Evans Frances Griffiths Bronwyn Harris

An exploration of healthcare assistants' caring experiences and perspectives of people with dementia in acute hospital settings.

Victoria Fessey Sophie Staniszewska Kirstie Haywood

2nd Supervisors from Unit


From symptom onset to treatment initiation: A narrative study of Older Adults with Tuberculosis (OAT)

Farah Kidy Kate Seers Noel McCarthy

3rd Supervisors form Unit


Pre-conception health and contraception among migrant women in the UK: a mixed methods study, which is funded by an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship.

Majel McGranahan

Oyinlola Oyebode

2nd Debra Bick

3rd Felicity Boardman






The management of suspected foetal macrosomia Lauren Ewington Siobhan Quenby Anne Marie Slowther

The use of self-sampling to screen for sexually
transmitted infections

Tommer Spence Frances Griffiths  Jonathan Ross

Improving Information for Research Participation

Kirstie Shearman

Heather Draper

Gregory Moorlock

Supporting women to navigate risk and uncertainty in pregnancy and childbirth.

Georgia Clancy

Felicity Boardman

The MEniscal TeaR Outcome (METRO) study: Exploring the clinical and patient reported outcome of patients under 55 with a meniscal tear of the knee Imran Ahmed Charles Hutchinson Sophie Staniszewska, Nicholas Parsons
Lay Consultations for Symptom Evaluation and Treatment-seeking Decision Making in Slums in Nigeria Chinwe Onuegbu Frances Griffiths Jenny Harlock