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Information (anaesthetists)

What will I have to do?

You will be invited to a testing session within the operating department at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust during your normal working hours, which will last approximately 30 minutes. We will apply either our new device, or collar and blocks to a resuscitation training manikin on a trolley and ask you to intubate the mankin exactly as you would a patient.

At the end of each application, we will ask you to complete a questionnaire giving your opinion on the ease of intubation, and to make suggestions for improving the design of our new device.

We have completed testing with five anaesthetists using the first phase prototype; the interim analysis of the results has been completed and we are now looking to recruit a further 40 anaesthetists.

The prototype design has been approved for testing by the NHS research ethics committee and the MHRA.

Below, you will find the Participant Information Sheets and copies of the consent form for the trial. If, after reading these documents, you are interested in helping us by taking part in the trial, please would you complete the indication of interest form here. We will then make contact with you to discuss your involvement further, and answer any questsions you may have. You will have a further opportunity to ask questions when you attend for the trial session. Dates for the first testing sessions for the phase 2 prototype are given below.

Dates for testing session: 11th August at Good Hope hospital, and 13th August at Heartlands hospital.

Anaesthetist Information Sheet (PDF Document)

Anaesthetist consent form (PDF Document)

If you would lilke further information at any time, please email or call 02476 150491