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Dr Paul Sutcliffe

Job Title
Associate Professor
WMS - Health Sciences
+44(0)2476 574505
Research Interests

Research interests relate to: 1) Systematic reviewing, evidence synthesis and health technology assessment; 2) Prostate, colorectal and breast cancer; 3) User involvement in stroke, cardiovascular and neurorehabilitation research; 4) Developmental language disorder and auditory assessment in young children; 5) E-health, mobile technology and networked communication; 6) Paternal mental health and post-natal depression.


Paul graduated from the University of York in 1997. He worked in the Age and Cognitive Performance Research Centre at the University of Manchester until 2000. He completed a DPhil in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford in 2003. Paul worked in the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) Technology Assessment Group from 2004-2008, where he undertook health technology assessments for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and the National Coordinating Centre for Health Technology Assessment (NCCHTA). Paul also worked for the Evidence-based Commissioning Collaboration (EBCC) and the Review Body for Interventional Procedures (ReBIP) where he conducted systematic reviews. Paul joined the Division of Health Sciences at Warwick in May 2008, where he developed collaborative research related to primary care, mental health, diabetes, networked communication and dentistry. In December 2008, Paul was appointed Senior Research Fellow in the Division of Health Sciences at Warwick Medical School. In April 2011, Paul became Deputy Director of Warwick Evidence, a Technology Assessment Group who undertake work commissioned by the NIHR HTA programme. Paul was promoted to Associate Professor in June 2012. Paul was appointed to Head of Populations, Evidence and Technologies within the Division of Health Sciences in April 2014. In August 2015, Paul survived a stroke, which required him to take16 months away from work to focus on neurorehabilitation. Paul became Director of Warwick Evidence in April 2018 and Co-Director of Warwick Evidence with Dr Amy Grove in April 2020.

Title Funder Award start Award end
TAR 3 - Production of Technology Assessment Reviews (TAR) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2022 31 Mar 2027
NIHR TAR2 12 month extension and supplement - orginal award on IDEATE number 00169 under Aileen Clarke National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2021 31 Mar 2022
Production of Technology Assessment Reviews (TARs) for the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HTA 14 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2021
Production of Technology Assessment Reviews (TARs) for the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) HTA National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2011 31 Mar 2016
NIHR HSDR FULL proposal - LYNC: Long term conditions, young people and network communications National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2014 29 Feb 2016
CSAG Diabetes Research Network Writing Group Diabetes Research Network Coordinating Centre 05 Oct 2011 31 Dec 2014
NIHR (FULL-revised) 11/95 Interventions to prevent postnatal depression - Nottingham Lead National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2012 31 Jan 2014
The College of Chiropractors: College of Chiropractors, The 01 Jun 2011 31 May 2012
NIHR Programme development Grant (Resubmission - Full): How can networked communications be harnessed for use to improve NHS services for young people. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sept 2010 31 Aug 2011
Defining the characteristics, general health and diabetes risk of dental attendees :Is there an at-risk group who infrequently attend general medical practice? University of Liverpool 01 Jul 2010 28 Feb 2011
Warwickshire PCT - additional funding for Vicky Bowyer Warwickshire Primary Care Trust 01 Oct 2010 30 Nov 2010
Comic Relief Tender: Young people & mental Health - the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Comic Relief (Charity Projects) 01 Jun 2010 30 Sept 2010
Oral health awareness in patients with diabetes Warwickshire Primary Care Trust 01 Nov 2008 31 Oct 2009

All authors for The role of digital communication in patient-clinician communication for NHS providers of specialist clinical services for young people (The LYNC study) : a mixed methods study

Griffiths, Frances, Armoiry, Xavier, Atherton, Helen, Bryce, Carol, Buckle, Abigail, Cave, Jonathan A. K., Court, Rachel A., Hamilton, Kathryn, Dliwayo, Thandiwe Rebecca, Dritsaki, Melina, Elder, Patrick, Forjaz, Vera, Fraser, Joe, Goodwin, Richard, Huxley, Caroline J., Ignatowicz, Agnieszka, Karasouli, Eleni, Kim, Sung Wook, Kimani, Peter K., Madan, Jason, Matharu, Harjit, May, Mike, Musumadi, Luhanga, Paul, Moli, Raut, Gyanu, Sankaranarayanan, Sailesh, Slowther, Anne, Sujan, Mark-Alexander, Sutcliffe, Paul, Svahnstrom, Isabelle, Taggart, Frances M., Uddin, Ayesha, Verran, Alice, Walker, Leigh, Sturt, Jackie

All authors for The role of digital communication in patient-clinician communication for NHS providers of specialist clinical services for young people (The LYNC study) : a mixed methods study

Griffiths, Frances, Armoiry, Xavier, Atherton, Helen, Bryce, Carol, Buckle, Abigail, Cave, Jonathan A. K., Court, Rachel A., Hamilton, Kathryn, Dliwayo, Thandiwe Rebecca, Dritsaki, Melina, Elder, Patrick, Forjaz, Vera, Fraser, Joe, Goodwin, Richard, Huxley, Caroline J., Ignatowicz, Agnieszka, Karasouli, Eleni, Kim , Sung Wook, Kimani, Peter K., Madan, Jason, Matharu, Harjit, May, Mike, Musumadi, Luhanga, Paul, Moli, Raut, Gyanu, Sankaranarayanan, Sailesh, Slowther, Anne, Sujan, Mark-Alexander, Sutcliffe, P. (Paul), Svahnstrom, Isabelle, Taggart, Frances M., Uddin, Ayesha, Verran, Alice, Walker, Leigh, Sturt, Jackie