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Antimicrobial resistance conference, 14-15th June 2017

'Community-based antibiotic access and use in rural SA' poster

Joss and the AMR poster

AMR conference

3rd Digital Behaviour Change Conference 2017


Date: 22-23 February 2017


Poster title:

The role of mobile text and voice communication in the monitoring of chronic disease management within resource-poor low- and middle-income country public primary healthcare settings: a realist review

Jocelyn Anstey Watkins1*, Frances Griffiths1, Jane Goudge2 and Xavier Gomez­ Olive2 1Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, United Kingdom 2University of the Witwatersrand (School of Public Health), South Africa



Final Year ESRC Student Conference, The University of Oxford (April, 2015)

ESRC 2015

CARES ConferenceLink opens in a new window - Realist Approaches, Liverpool University (October, 2014)

CARES 2014 Poster

Health Research Day@Warwick, The University of Warwick (January, 2013)

Health Research Day, Warwick 2013