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Chemistry Sadler Group

Peter J. Sadler Group

Sadler Group - Dec 2022

Selected Publications


Tracking Reactions of Asymmetric Organo-Osmium
Transfer Hydrogenation Catalysts in Cancer Cells

Elizabeth M. Bolitho, James P. C. Coverdale, Hannah E. Bridgewater,
Guy J. Clarkson, Paul D. Quinn, Carlos Sanchez-Cano and Peter J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 6462– 6472

Elemental mapping of half-sandwich azopyridine
osmium arene complexes in cancer cells

Elizabeth M. Bolitho, Hannah E. Bridgewater, Russell J. Needham,
James P. C. Coverdale, Paul D. Quinn, Carlos Sanchez-Cano and
Peter J. Sadler

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 3675


Transfer Hydrogenation Catalysis in Cells (Review)

Samya Banerjee and Peter J. Sadler

RSC Chem Biol, 2021, Advance Article opens in a new window 

Metallodrugs are unique: opportunities and
challenges of discovery and development

Elizabeth J. Anthony, Elizabeth M. Bolitho, Hannah E. Bridgewater,
Oliver W. L. Carter, Jane M. Donnelly, Cinzia Imberti, Edward C. Lant,
Frederik Lermyte, Russell J. Needham, Marta Palau, Peter J. Sadler,
Huayun Shi, Fang-Xin Wang, Wen-Ying Zhang and Zijin Zhang

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 12888

Axial functionalisation of photoactive diazido
platinum(IV) anticancer complexes

H. Shi, C. Imberti, G. J. Clarkson and P. J. Sadler

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2020, 7, 3533

doi: 10.1039/d0qi00685h

Metallation-Induced Heterogeneous Dynamics of DNA Revealed
by Single-Molecule FRET

R. Berrocal-Martin, C. Sanchez-Cano, C. K. C. Chiu, R. J. Needham,
P. J. Sadler, and S. W. Magennis

Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 4980 – 4987

Other Articles

Quinone Reduction by Organo-Osmium Half-Sandwich Transfer
Hydrogenation Catalysts

Elizabeth M. Bolitho, Nathan G. Worby, James P. C. Coverdale, Juliusz A. Wolny, Volker Schünemann,
and Peter J. Sadler

Organometallics 2021, 40, 3012−3023

Tracking Reactions of Asymmetric Organo-Osmium Transfer
Hydrogenation Catalysts in Cancer Cells

Elizabeth M. Bolitho, James P. C. Coverdale, Hannah E. Bridgewater, Guy J. Clarkson,
Paul D. Quinn, Carlos Sanchez-Cano, and Peter J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 2–12

Minerals in biology and medicine (Review)

Oliver W. L. Carter and Peter J. Sadler

RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 1939

DOI: 10.1039/d0ra09992a

X-ray Tomography of Cryopreserved Human Prostate Cancer Cells: Mitochondrial Targeting by an Organo-Iridium Photosensitizer

E. M. Bolitho, C. Sanchez-Cano, H. Huang, I. Hands-Portman, M. Spink, P. D. Quinn, M. Harkiolaki, P. J. Sadler

J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 25, 295-303

doi: 10.1007/s00775-020-01761-8


150 Years of the Periodic Table: new medicines and diagnostic agents (Review)

C. Imberti and P.J. Sadler

Advances in Inorganic Chemistry 2020, vol 75, pages 3-56

New designs for phototherapeutic transition metal complexes

C. Imberti, P. Zhang, H. Huang, P.J. Sadler

Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 61-73

Targeted photoredox catalysis in cancer cells

Huang, S. Banerjee, K. Qiu, P. Zhang, O. Blacque, T. Malcomson, M.J. Paterson, G.J. Clarkson, M. Staniforth, V.G. Stavros, G. Gasser, H. Chao, P.J. Sadler

Nature Chem., 2019, 11, 1041-1048

DOI : 10.1038/s41557-019-0328-4

Nanofocused synchrotron x-ray absorption studies of the intracellular redox state of an organometallic complex in cancer cells

Sanchez-Cano, D. Gianolio, I. Romero-Canelon, R. Tucoulou, P.J. Sadler

Chem. Comm. 2019, 55(49):7065-7068.

doi: 10.1039/c9cc01675a

Nucleus-targeted organoiridium-albumin conjugate for photodynamic cancer therapy

Zhang, H. Huang, S. Banerjee, G.J. Clarkson, C. Ge, C. Imberti, P.J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 2350-2354.

Photoactivatable platinum anticancer complex can generate tryptophan radicals

Vallotto, E. Shaili, H. Shi, J.S. Butler, C.J. Wedge, M.E. Newton, P.J. Sadler

Chem. Comm. 2018, 54, 13845-13848.

DOI: 10.1039/C8CC06496B

Biguanide Iridium(III) Complexes with Potent Antimicrobial Activity

Chen, J. Moat, D. McFeely, G. Clarkson, I.J. Hands-Portman, J.P. Furner-Pardoe, Freya Harrison, C.G. Dowson, P.J. Sadler

J. Med. Chem. 2018, 61(16), 7330-7344.

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b00906

New Activation Mechanism for Half-sandwich Organometallic Anticancer Complexes

Banerjee, J.J. Soldevila-Barreda, J.A. Wolny, C.A. Wootton, A. Habtemariam, I. Romero-Canelón, F. Chen, G.J. Clarkson, I. Prokes, L. Song, P.B. O’Connor, V. Schünemann, P.J. Sadler

Chemical Science 2018, 9, 3177-3185.

DOI: 10.1039/C7SC05058E

Sequence-Dependent Attack on Peptides by Photoactivated Platinum Anticancer Complexes

C.A. Wootton, C. Sanchez-Cano, A.F. Lopez-Clavijo, E. Shaili, M.P. Barrow, P.J. Sadler, P.B. O’Connor

Chemical Science 2018, 9, 2733-2739.

DOI: 10.1039/C7SC05135B

Mitochondria-targeted spin-labelled luminescent iridium anticancer complexes

Venkatesh, R. Berrocal-Martin, C.J. Wedge, I. Romero-Canelón, C. Sanchez-Cano, J.-I. Song, J.P.C. Coverdale, P. Zhang, G.J. Clarkson, A. Habtemariam, S.W. Magennis, R.J. Deeth, P.J. Sadler

Chemical Science 2017, 8, 8271- 8278

DOI: 10.1039/C7SC03216A


Organo-iridium photosensitizers can induce specific oxidative attack on proteins in cancer cells

Zhang, C.K.C. Chiu, H. Huang, Y.P.Y. Lam, A. Habtemariam, T. Malcomson, M.J. Paterson, G.J. Clarkson, P.B.O’Connor, H. Chao, P.J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14898–14902

DOI: 10.1002/ange.201710973


Asymmetric transfer hydrogenation by synthetic catalysts in cancer cells

J.P.C. Coverdale, I. Romero-Canelón, C. Sanchez-Cano, G.J. Clarkson, A. Habtemariam, M. Wills, P.J. Sadler

Nature Chem. 2018, 10, 347-354.

DOI : 10.1038_nchem.2918


Supramolecular photoactivatable anticancer hydrogels

Venkatesh, N. Kumar Mishra, I. Romero-Canelón, R.R. Vernooij, H. Shi, J.P.C. Coverdale, A. Habtemariam, S. Verma, P.J. Sadler

J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 5656−5659.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b00186


Synchrotron x-ray fluorescence nanoprobe reveals target sites for organo-osmium complex in human ovarian cancer cells

Sanchez-Cano, I. Romero-Canelón, Y. Yang, I.J. Hands-Portman, S. Bohic, P. Cloetens, P.J. Sadler

Chem. Eur. J. 2017, 23, 2512–2516.

DOI: 10.1002/chem.201605911


In-Cell Activation of Organo-Osmium(II) Anticancer Complexes

R.J. Needham, C. Sanchez-Cano, X. Zhang, I. Romero-Canelón, A. Habtemariam, M.S. Cooper, L. Meszaros, G.J. Clarkson, P.J. Blower, P.J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 1017 –1020


Combatting AMR: photoactivatable ruthenium(II)-isoniazid complex exhibits rapid selective antimycobacterial activity

N.A. Smith, P. Zhang, S.E. Greenough, M.D. Horbury, G.J. Clarkson, D. McFeely, A. Habtemariam, L. Salassa, V.G. Stavros, C.G. Dowson, P.J. Sadler

Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 395 - 404

DOI: 10.1039/C6SC03028A


Os2-Os4 switch controls DNA knotting and anticancer activity

Fu, M.J. Romero, L. Salassa, X. Cheng, A. Habtemariam, G.J. Clarkson, I. Prokes, A. Rodger, G. Costantini, P.J. Sadler

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 8909-12.

DOI: 10.1002/anie.201602995R1 and 10.1002/ange.201602995R1