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Matt Earl

Undergraduate Degree:
Place: University of Warwick
Dates: October 2011 – July 2015
Result: MChem Chemistry with Industrial Experience, 1st Class (Hons)

Postgraduate Degree:
Dates: October 2015 – Present

Brief CV:
Matt is a 2nd year PhD student within Fox group. The focus of his research lies within the general area of synthetic organic chemistry, with a focus on asymmetric synthesis and catalysis, and an application towards medicinal chemistry. He is currently working on the racemic and enantiomeric synthesis of a series of aromatic fused δ-lactam systems containing a chiral centre, in which particular attention is given to kinetic resolution by oxidative means.

The third year of Matt’s MChem was spent on an Industrial Placement in the Process Studies Group at Syngenta, Jealott’s Hill, where he worked within the discipline of physical organic chemistry. Specifically, the majority of his time was spent testing and scrutinising innovative technology for the capture and recycling of palladium catalysts in cross-coupling reactions, as part of a collaboration with both academia and other chemical companies.

On arrival back at Warwick, Matt completed a 4th year research project under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Clark, in which he synthesised sterically hindered N-alkenyl amides and subsequently cyclised them under both reductive and Heck conditions – part of a greater effort to achieve facile asymmetric cyclisation reactions.

Outside of study Matt is a keen player of sports, most notably football and cricket, but also holds an interest in rugby, ultimate frisbee, and tennis. In addition, he is an active volunteer here at the University, currently a Project Leader for Technology Volunteers, which is a school-based project existing under Warwick Volunteers. Furthermore, Matt enjoys watching films, listening to music, gaming and going out with friends.

1. Synthesis of 1- and 4-substituted piperazin-2-ones via Jocic-type reactions with N-substituted diamines. M. S. Perryman, M. W. M. Earl, S. Greatorex, G. J. Clarkson and D. J. Fox, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 2360. DOI: 10.1039/C4OB02311K.

Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road