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Inverse Problems and Optimal Control for PDEs

Monday 23 May - Friday 27 May 2011

Organisers: Charlie Elliott and Andrew Stuart

Accepted Speakers:

H. Thomas Banks (N. C. State University) USA
Eduardo Casas (University of Cantabria) Spain
Andrew Cliffe (University of Nottingham) UK
Oliver Dorn (University of Manchester) UK
Charlie Elliott (Univertsity of Warwick) UK
Melina Freitag (University of Bath) UK
Omar Ghattas (University of Texas at Austin) USA
Roland Herzog (Chemnitz University of Technology) Germany
Michael Hintermueller (Humboldt-University of Berlin) Germany
Michael Hinze (Universität Hamburg) Germany
Bartek Knapik (VU University) Amsterdam
Nancy K Nichols (University of Reading) UK
Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna) Austria
Carola-Bibiane Schoenlieb (University of Cambridge) UK
Samuli Siltanen (University of Helsinki) Finland
Anna Simioni (Università Bocconi) Italy
Andrew Stuart (University of Warwick) UK
Anders Szepessy (Royal Institute of Technology) Sweden
Fredi Tröltzsch (Institut für Mathematik) Germany
Andrea Walther (Universität Paderborn) Germany
Andy Wathen (Oxford University) UK
Dongbin Xiu (Purdue University) USA
Enrique Zuazua (BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) Spain


PROGRAMME and ABSTRACTS (print version)(PDF Document) 

Lecture Notes/Abstracts (web version)(PDF Document)

Supported by:

EPSRC large

Aerial photograph of Maths Houses

See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events 
Past Symposia 

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University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK