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MiR@W Day: Image Analysis and Processing in the Life Sciences

Satellite Workshop of the programme
at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK.

2-3 October 2017

Advances in imaging technology keep on revealing ever greater detail of phenomena and processes in living systems. The vast amount of image data which thus can be generated makes highly efficient methods mandatory for a variety of problems of mathematical or statistical nature. These may relate to the actual image acquisition or reconstruction by solving inverse problems. Others are centred around segmentation or pattern, texture, or shape recognition for effective description and possibly further exploitation. Problems may be also of system identification or optimisation type such as fitting biophysical models including uncertainty quantification. As varied is the available mathematical methodology ranging from variational continuum models to probabilistic approaches in a machine learning context.

The workshop's objective is to facilitate the interaction and discussion between researchers from the life sciences working with or on imaging technology, and mathematicians developing and analysing methodology in image analysis and processing.


Till Bretschneider (Systems Biology/Computer Science),
Michael Hintermüller (Humboldt University Berlin),
Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (Cambridge),
Bjorn Stinner (Mathematics)


Lourdes Agapito

Simon Arridge

Angelica Aviles-Rivero

Abhir Bhalerao

Joanna Collingwood

Ron Kimmel

Marco Palombo

Masanori Mishima

Nasir Rajpoot

Rooms: Mon: B3.02 (Maths), Tue: A0.23 (Social Sciences).

No registration is required, everyone who is interested is invited!

Aerial photograph of Maths Houses

See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events 
Past Symposia 

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Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK