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Health and Safety - Safety Policy

The Department recognises its responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - “to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and welfare at work” of staff, students and visitors.

The Health and Safety of everyone in the Department, working, studying or visiting for whatever reason, is one of our highest priorities so as to avoid wherever possible accidents, injuries or ill health with all the implications entailed.

All aspects of the Department’s health and safety measures are under constant review, to ensure that legal requirements form the minimum level of acceptable operations, and to pursue progressive improvements of performance.

The Head of Department has overall responsibility for the formulation and review of Department policy, and to ensure its implementation.

A Safety Committee has been established to assist with the management of health and safety and to communicate health and safety matters to all members of the Department. The names of the members of the Safety Committee are published in our documentation.

A member of the Safety Committee designated the Departmental Radiation Protection Supervisor is responsible for the implementation of ionising radiation rules [local and national], monitoring the use of radiation, and training staff. A member of the department has been appointed as Deputy DRPS.

A member of the Safety Committee designated the Department Laser Officer has been appointed to record and monitor the use of lasers.

A member of the Safety Committee has been appointed to provide advice on the use of chemicals.

A member of the Safety Committee is responsible for the disposal of waste.

There are also trained Group Radiation Protection Supervisors in areas where radiation is used and a group of First Aiders.

The Department is committed to maintain these positions, develop individual skills and to ensure that individual competences are maintained, and will also call upon specialist advice wherever required.

The Department will maintain resources which are adequate for the delivery of health and safety and for planning future requirements.

The Department has produced special rules and guidance on safe operating procedures. These documents are available from the Health and Safety Officer and are also posted on the safety pages of the Department’s web site. These rules are to be followed at all times, and are written in addition to any similar rules available from the University Safety Office website.

Signed: Mark Newton, Head of Department
Date: 22 September 2010
Checked: 1 September 2021