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Reference Material for Physics Skills.

Tokamak materials:
Tokamaks - John Wesson - Google Books
thesis on tokamak materials: Darya Ivanova, KTH
CRCnetBASE - Nuclear Engineering Handbook
Fusion engineering text (chapter 24)
Tungsten as first wall material in fusion devices

Nuclear waste disposal:
UNSCEAR: sources and effects of ionizing radiation (health)
radioactive waste management
geological waste disposal

Also see the nuclear engineering titles above.

Reprocessing, accelerator driven disposal, reactor design and operation implications?

Space Weather:

The Solar Cycle, long term effects.

Solar activity on earth.

Impacts of space weather: Communications, Health on earth (high altitude flight), sheltering of astronauts from harmful effects. Magnetic fluctuations and power grids.

Extreme events, external forcasting: gamma ray bursts and other 'long range threats'?

How is the sun and the interplanetary medium observed. Stereo probes,


Library books, eg:

Space weather [electronic resource] : physics and effects / Volker Bothmer, Ioannis A. Daglis

Bothmer, Volker. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2007.