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Kick-Off Workshop 2012

The Integrated Magnetic Resonance Centre for Doctoral Training (iMR CDT) Kick - Off workshop this year will be hosted by the University of Warwick from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th December 2012. The workshop will cover six modules tailored towards training in the technologies, methodologies and theory used across the Magnetic Resonance arena. The modules are:

  • M1: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Hardware
  • M2: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • M3: Magnetic Resonance Theory I
  • M4: Introduction to Magnetic Resonance
  • M5: Project Managing Your Research
  • M6: Enterprise & Entrepreneurship

The workshop is aimed at all first year PhD students funded by the iMR CDT students but a limited number of places at the workshop are open to other interested students. The workshop is aimed at first year PhD students embarking on a Magnetic Resonance PhD.

If you would like to attend the workshop please complete the online form here as soon as possible and no later than Friday 16th November 2012. We will offer places on a first come basis and only have a limited number of places available. A subsidised registeration fee of £350 is being offered to non-iMR CDT students. The registration fee will cover accommodation from 3rd - 7th December (4 nights), all meals, coffee/tea breaks, excursions and of course attendance at all workshop sessions. The registration fee for students not requiring accommodation will be £50, which includes lunches and the Workshop Dinner on 6th December 2012.