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Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation

The Magnetic Resonance Group is undertaking an exciting project to develop Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP) for enhancement of NMR signals.


Attendees of the DNP Workshop held by the DNP Group at the University of Warwick on the 21st and 22nd of October 2010.

DNP logo


Paper published in Chem Commun
Optically generated DNP NMR in solution

Paper published in JMR
DNP NMR at 187 GHz/284 MHz using an EIK amplifier

Matthew Dale joins to work on photochemical hyperpolarization

EPSRC Photochemical Hyperpolarization grant funded

Congrats to Gavin on winning the BRSG/NMRDG Annual Prize!

Congrats to Maik on winning the BRSG Founder's Prize!

Dr Maik Icker joins to work on ENDOR-DNP

Chris Wedge joins from Oxford Chemistry as an Assistant Professor

EPSRC ENDOR-DNP grant funded

Gavin Morley awarded Royal Society University Research Fellowship

DNP grant funded for EPSRC Strategic Equipment