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PhD Positions

Post-Doctoral Positions

Post-doctoral Positions

Please contact us (below) for further opportunities.

PhD Positions

Analysis of Lignin Interactions and Breakdown in Plant Cell Walls by Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Towards More Efficient Biomass Pathways supervised by Steven Brown and Tim BuggLink opens in a new window

Developing High-Resolution Solid-State NMR Methods for the Characterisation of Pharmaceutical Solids Supervised by Steven Brown
Multinuclear Solid-State NMR of Technologically Relevant Glass Systems: The Structural Role of Zinc. Supervised by John Hanna.
Multinuclear Solid-State NMR of Apatites: Versatile Materials with Applications from Biomaterials to Fuel Cells. Supervised by John Hanna.
Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and DNP studies to technologically relevant glass systems: the structural role of zinc and bismuth incorporation.
Supervised by John Hanna
Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and DNP studies of apatites: versatile materials with applications from biomaterials to fuel cells. Supervised by John Hanna

Please contact us for further opportunities:

Steven Brown - S dot P dot Brown at warwick dot ac dot uk

Wing Ying Chow - W dot Ying dot Chow at warwick dot ac dot uk

John Hanna - J dot V dot Hanna at warwick dot ac dot uk

Dominik Kubicki - Dominik dot Kubicki at warwick dot ac dot uk

Józef Lewandowski - J dot R dot Lewandowski at warwick dot ac dot uk