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BS009 & BS011 - Zn 2p

cf Zn2p BS9&11

Figure 1: Showing various high resolution XPS sectra of the Zn 2p region for a) a sample (BS002) which has no fingerprint, and has been cleaned in micro 90 before being placed in the XPS, b) a sample (BS009) which has had an eccrine fingerprint applied, and has been left in air for ~15 hours before being placed in the XPS, c) the same sample as b) left in air for a further ~ 17 hours, (~39 hours since fingerprint application), and d) a sample (BS011) which has had an eccrine fingerprint applied at the same time as the sample in b) and c), only has been left in air for ~65 hours (nearly 3 days) before taking the spectra. (Each spectrum has been normalised via the Mo 3p3/2 peak seen at ~393 eV).

One can see little differences here.