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Systems Biology MSc

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Visit us to find out more - please contact Katherine Denby to arrange a suitable time and to find out more about the MSc programme

What our students have said:

“The Systems Biology MSc puts together all you need to face real pioneer biological research. It sets the basis for maths, biology and programming that we need to face large-scale projects.”

“The structure of the MSc is very well planned: first you have a few modules that will train you to face systems biology projects and then you can put everything in practice in both an experimental and a theoretical project. This is the MSc to do: hot topic, interdisciplinary, top 10 University”

“Despite the offer of similar programs in other universities, in Warwick not only do theoreticians get together, but also people with experimental backgrounds are part of the cohort. This mix of backgrounds enriches the learning process and improves the working network that will last longer than the MSc period.”

After the MSc:

After successfully completing the MSc students have taken a variety of career paths - PhDs, research fellowships, software companies, science outreach, science policy........

You will have highly sought after quantitative skills that can be applied to a wide variety of situations. Our students are highly valued and win prestigious PhD positions.