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A typical student's experience -- Nat Shiers


Having completed an integrated masters in Mathematics and Statistics at Warwick, I was already aware that the department offered an excellent research environment. The high level of expertise of academics and the quality of the supervision made the transition from a taught to a research degree very smooth. The atmosphere of the department is very friendly and everybody is really approachable, which I found to be conducive to an enjoyable research experience.

The department provides great facilities for PhD students plus many opportunities. In the first year I attended the Academy for PhD Training in Statistics which broadened my understanding of statistics at a high level and was also a fantastic chance to meet Statistics PhD students from other universities. During my time in the department I was also able to present work at the Research Students Conference and at international conferences. Within the department there are regular seminars including CRiSM and Royal Statistical Society talks, plus weekly Young Researchers Meetings where PhD students can present their work in a more informal setting. One of the my favourite experiences was the annual visit to Gregynog Hall, a lovely setting for a long weekend statistical retreat.