function orig_coord = get_orig_coord2(coord, matname,PU) % Determine corresponding co-ordinate in un-normalised image. % FORMAT orig_coord = get_orig_coord2(coord, matname,PU) % coord - [x1 y1 z1 ; x2 y2 z2 ; etc] in MNI space (mm). % matname - File containing transformation information (_sn.mat). % PU - Name of un-normalised image % orig_coord - Co-ordinate in un-normalised image (voxel). % % FORMAT orig_coord = get_orig_coord2(coord, matname) % coord - [x1 y1 z1 ; x2 y2 z2 ; etc] in MNI space (mm). % matname - File containing transformation information (_sn.mat). % orig_coord - Original co-ordinate (mm). % % For SPM2 only... % %_______________________________________________________________________ % %W% John Ashburner %E% t = load(matname); if size(coord,2)~=3, error('coord must be an N x 3 matrix'); end; coord = coord'; Mat = inv(t.VG.mat); xyz = Mat(1:3,:)*[coord ; ones(1,size(coord,2))]; Tr = t.Tr; Affine = t.Affine; d = t.VG.dim(1:3); if nargin>2, VU = spm_vol(PU); Mult = VU.mat\t.VF.mat*Affine; disp('Output co-ordinates are in voxels'); else Mult = t.VF.mat*Affine; disp('Output co-ordinates are in mm'); end; if (prod(size(Tr)) == 0), affine_only = 1; basX = 0; tx = 0; basY = 0; ty = 0; basZ = 0; tz = 0; else, affine_only = 0; basX = spm_dctmtx(d(1),size(Tr,1),xyz(1,:)-1); basY = spm_dctmtx(d(2),size(Tr,2),xyz(2,:)-1); basZ = spm_dctmtx(d(3),size(Tr,3),xyz(3,:)-1); end; if affine_only, xyz2 = Mult(1:3,:)*[xyz ; ones(1,size(xyz,2))]; else, for i=1:size(xyz,2), bx = basX(i,:); by = basY(i,:); bz = basZ(i,:); tx = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,1),size(Tr,1)*size(Tr,2),size(Tr,3))... *bz', size(Tr,1), size(Tr,2) ); ty = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,2),size(Tr,1)*size(Tr,2),size(Tr,3))... *bz', size(Tr,1), size(Tr,2) ); tz = reshape(... reshape(Tr(:,:,:,3),size(Tr,1)*size(Tr,2),size(Tr,3))... *bz', size(Tr,1), size(Tr,2) ); xyz2(:,i) = Mult(1:3,:)*[xyz(:,i) + [bx*tx*by' ; bx*ty*by' ; bx*tz*by']; 1]; end; end; orig_coord = xyz2'; return;