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Dwijen Rangnekar Publications


Geographical indications and intellectual property: A legal and economic analysis. Co-authored with Michael Blakeney, Phil Hardwick, and Michael Kretschmer. Edward Elgar. 2007 TBC.

'The intellectual property protection of plan material: What have we learned from economists?' in Johanna Gibson, ed. Patenting Lives: Life Patents, Development and Culture. Ashgate. 2007 TBC.

'Geographical indications' in Resource Book on Trade and Environment, published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development & RING. 2007.


'A slice of Parma ham: Understanding the Protection of Geographical Indications' in Peter Yu, ed. Intellectual Property and Information Wealth, vol.4 - International Intellectual Property Law and Policy. Praeger 2006.

‘Trade-related intellectual property rights’ in Conca, K., Scholte, J. A. (Eds) Encyclopaedia of Globalisation. Routledge 2006. 

"No Pills for Poor People? Understanding the Disembowelment of India's Patent Regime', Economic and Political Weekly. X L I (5), 4-10 Feb, 2006, pp 409-417.


“Acknowledged: Analysing the Bibliometric Presence of the Multiple Sclerosis Society', Aslib Proceedings, 2005 vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 247-260.

"No Pills for Poor People? Understanding the Disembowelment of India's Patent Regime', CSGR Working Paper 176/05, October 2005 and reprinted in Economic and Political Weekly.

“Biopiracy and intellectual property rights”, Journal of International Development: Special Issue. 2005.


'The international protection of geographical indications: The Asian Experience'. UNCTAD/ICTSD Regional Dialogue in collaboration with IDRC, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. November 2004.

‘The socio-economics of geographical indications’, BRIDGES Between Trade and Sustainable Development, 2004, vol. 8, no. 8, September, pp20-21.

‘Demanding stronger protection for geographical indications: The relationship between local knowledge, information and reputation’, UNU-INTECH Discussion Paper (No 2004-11). Maastricht, 2004.

‘The socio-economics of geographical indications: A review of evidence from Europe’, UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development, Issue paper no. 8, March, 2004, 46pp.

Patient groups and the drug innovation process: Towards a science of patient group activism, with Mark Duckenfield. University College London, London. 2004.

"El de sarrollo rural y la proteccion del conocimiento tradicional: cual esel papel de law indicaciones geograficas" in Carlos Munoz Pina, Marisol Rivera and Sara Avila Forcada, eds, Comercio y Medio Ambiente: Distorsiones, información y accesso a mercados. Semarnat & INE, Mexico, 2004.


‘Implementing TRIPs Article 27.3b: Key legal and economic questions in a national innovation system approach’, in Katrak, H. and Strange, R., eds., WTO and Developing Countries. Palgrave-Macmillan. 2003, pp. 87-111.

‘Geographical indications: A review of proposals at the TRIPs Council – Extending article 23 to products other than wines and spirits’, UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development, Issue paper no. 4, June 2003, 57pp


R&D appropriability and planned obsolescence: empirical evidence from wheat breeding in the UK (1960-95). Industrial and Corporate Change, 2002, 11(5): 1011-1029.

"Shaping the Landscape of Biomedical Research: Are Patient Groups Influential?" in Sandra Karner and Bernhard Wieser, eds, Technology and the Public Proceedings of the International Summer Academy on Technology Studies. 2002, Deutschlandesberg, Austria 310-327.

Plant breeding in an era of privatisation: reflections on transformations in the Indian seed industry. In Frank-Jurgen Richter and Parthasarathi Banerjee, eds, The Knowledge Economy in India, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp 130-148.

Access to genetic resources, gene-based inventions and agriculture - issues concerning the TRIPs Agreement, 2002. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights of the UK Government. 73pp.

The pros and cons of geographical indication protection, BRIDGES Between Trade and Sustainable Development, 2002, 6(3), March-April.