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Professor Muthoo appears on BBC radio pre-Budget 2015

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Professor Muthoo appears on BBC radio pre-Budget 2015


Yesterday Head of Department Professor Abhinay Muthoo made an appearance on BBC Coventry & Warwickshire to discuss expectations and predictions for the Budget ahead of the Chancellor’s announcement later that afternoon.

Appearing on Shane O'Connor's Breakfast Show, Professor Muthoo set out what he expected to see in this, the final Budget before the General Election on 7 May.

With only 50 days remaining until the country will decide its next Government, Professor Muthoo said that this Budget would provide an opportunity for George Osbourne to generate political momentum for the Conservatives and he expected him, in particular, to use it to appeal to the older voter.

Listen to Professor Muthoo’s interview on the Shane O’Connor Breakfast Show (available for the next 29 days).