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Professor Clare Lyonette - Publications


  • Lyonette, C. and Yardley, L. (2003). The influence on carer wellbeing of motivations to care for older people and the relationship with the care recipient. Ageing and Society 23 (4):487-506.
  • Lyonette, C. (2004). Using mixed methods to examine the effects on women of combining work and elder-caring. Health Psychology Update 13 (2): 27-35.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2004). La conciliazone tra tempi di vita e orari di lavoro in Gran Bretagna e in Europa. Quaderni rassegna sindicale, Rivista Trimestrale, Anno 5, No. 4, October.
  • Crompton, R., Brockmann, M. and Lyonette, C. (2005). Attitudes, women’s employment and the domestic division of labour: a cross-national analysis in two waves”. Work, Employment and Society 19 (2): 213-233.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2005). The new gender essentialism – domestic and family ‘choices’ and their relation to attitudes. British Journal of Sociology, 56 (4): 601-624.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2006). Research Note: Some issues in cross-national comparative research on women’s employment: a comparison of Britain and Portugal. Work, Employment and Society, 20 (2): 389-400.
  • Lyonette, C. and Yardley. L. (2006). “Predicting mental health outcomes in female working carers: a longitudinal analysis”. Aging and Mental Health 10 (4): 368-377.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2006). Work-life balance in Europe. Acta Sociologica, 49 (4): 379-393.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2006). Família, género e articulação entre actividade profissional e vida privada: comparação dos casos britânico e português, ISCTE/ICS : Lisbon.
  • Crompton, R., Lewis, S. and Lyonette, C. (eds.) (2007). Women, men, work and family in Europe, Palgrave.


  • Lyonette, C., Crompton, R. and Wall, K. (2007). Gender, occupational class and work-life conflict: a comparison of Britain and Portugal. Community, Work and Family 10 (3): 283-308.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2007). Are we all working too hard? Women, men, and changing attitudes to paid employment, in A. Park, J. Curtice, K. Thomson, M. Phillips and M. Johnson (eds.) British Social Attitudes: the 23rd Report – Perspectives on a changing society, pp. 55-70. London: Sage.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2007). Reply to Hakim. British Journal of Sociology 58(1): 133-134.
  • Vogler, C., Lyonette, C. and Wiggins, R. (2008). ‘Money, power and spending decisions in intimate relationships’. Sociological Review 56 (1): 117-143.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2008a). ‘Who does the housework? The division of labour within the home’, in A. Park, J. Curtice, K. Thomson, M. Phillips and M. Johnson (eds.) British Social Attitudes: the 24th Report. London: Sage.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2008b). ‘Mothers’ employment, work-life conflict, careers and class’. In Scott, J., S. Dex and H. Joshi (eds.) Women and Employment: changing lives and new challenges. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
  • Lyonette, C. and Crompton, R. (2008a). ‘The only way is up? An examination of women’s “under-achievement” in the accountancy profession in the UK’. Gender in Management 23 (7): 506-521.
  • Lyonette, C. and Crompton, R. (2008b). Report on an International Conference on Gender, Class, Employment and Family, Equal Opportunities International 27 (8): 709-714.
  • Lyonette, C. and Clark, M. (2009). Unsocial hours: unsocial families? Working time and family wellbeing. Relationships Foundation: Cambridge.
  • Lyonette, C. (2009). Combining work and elder caring: positive and negative consequences. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG: Germany.


  • Hogarth, T., Owen, D., Gambin, L., Hasluck, C., Lyonette, C. and Casey, B. (2009) The equality impacts of the current recession, Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 47.
  • Scott, J., Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (eds.) (2010) Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century. Edward Elgar.
  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2010) ‘Family, Class and Gender ‘Strategies’ in Maternal Employment and Childcare’, in J. Scott, R. Crompton and C. Lyonette (eds.) Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century. Edward Elgar.
  • Lyonette, C., Baldauf, B. and Behle, H. (2010) ‘“Quality” part-time work: a review of the evidence’. Government Equalities Office (March), available from
  • Baldauf, B. and Lyonette, C. (2010) ‘Quality” part-time work: responses to the recession’. Government Equalities Office (March), available from
  • Lyonette, C. and Baldauf, B. (2010) “Quality” part-time work: an evaluation of the quality part-time work fund. Government Equalities Office (November).
  • Purcell, K., Elias, P, Lyonette, C. and Tzanakou, C. (2010) ‘Research degree holders in the Longitudinal Survey of the Destinations of 2004/05 Leavers from Higher Education, Survey data validation L‐DLHE non‐respondent survey and qualitative follow‐up pilot interviews: Report to RCUK’, available from
  • Kaufman, G., Lyonette, C. and Crompton, R. (2010) ‘Post-birth employment leave among fathers in Britain and the United States.’ Fathering 8 (3): 321 - 340.
  • Lyonette, C. and Crompton, R. (2010) ‘Gender, occupational class and work-life conflict: the UK in comparative perspective’ (Genere, classe e conflittualità tra vita e lavoro. Il Regno Unito in prospettiva comparata), in Riva E., Zanfrini L., a cura di (eds.), Non è un problema delle donne. La conciliazione lavorativa come chiave di volta della qualità della vita sociale, Sociologia del lavoro, n. 119: (ISSN 0392-5048).


  • Crompton, R. and Lyonette, C. (2011) ‘Women’s career success and work-life ‘balance’ in the accountancy and medical professions in Britain’. Gender, Work and Organisation. 18 (2): 231-254.
  • Lyonette, C., Kaufman, G. and Crompton, R. (2011) ‘“We both need to work”: maternal employment, childcare and healthcare in Britain and the U.S’. Work, Employment and Society 25 (1): 1-17. Winner of the SAGE Prize for Innovation and/or Excellence 2012: Work, employment and society.
  • Lyonette, C. (2011) ‘Atypical working in Europe and the impact on work-family reconciliation’, in Busby, N. and G. James (eds) Families, care-giving and paid work: challenging labour law in the 21st century: Edward Elgar.



  • Hogarth, T., Hasluck, C., Gambin, L., Behle, H., Li, Y. and Lyonette, C. (2013). Evaluation of Employment Advisers in the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme. (DWP Research Report 826). Sheffield: Department for Work and Pensions.
  • Bosworth, D., Lyonette, C. and Wilson, R. (2013) The supply of and demand for high-level STEM skills. Evidence Report 77 (November), UKCES.




  • Atfield, G., Kispeter, E. and Lyonette, C. (2017). The state of sexism in schools. UK Feminista and the NUT.
  • Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. and Wood, S. (2017) ‘Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond’. Routledge.
  • Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Lyonette, C., Payne, N. and Wood, S. (2017) ‘Public sector austerity cuts in the UK and the changing discourse of work-life balance.’ Work, Employment and Society, 31 (4): 586-604.
  • Lyonette, C., Lewis, S., Anderson, D., Payne, N. and Wood, S. (2017) Work-life balance and austerity: implications of new ways of working in UK public sector organisations, in Lewis et al. (eds) ‘Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond’. Routledge.
  • Lyonette, C., Hunt, W. and Baldauf, B. (2017) Occupations and skills of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Graduates. British Academy.



In press/preparation


Other publications

  • Lyonette, C. (March 2007) Stress and “work-life balance” in the accountancy profession: is flexible working the answer? NQ magazine, London.

  • Lyonette, C. (May 2012) ‘Bringing up baby: maternal employment in Britain and the US’. Article published online at the University of Warwick Knowledge Centre.