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Feasibility study into the development of an online LLMI facility for the National Resource Service

This project funded a feasibility study into the development of an online local labour market information (LLMI) facility for the National Resource Service (NRS). The objective of the study was to firstly, examine the viability of developing a customised, online option relating to local labour market information, which responded to the specific needs of learndirect and its customer/client base. Secondly, it's objective was to assess the extent to which a degree of synergy and alignment could be achieved by making a strategic link between the National Research Service (NRS) and the National Guidance Research Forum (NGRF) websites, in a way that added value to the existing LMI Future Trends section of the NGRF.

An assessment of resources required to maintain and develop a high-quality, online LLMI resource was undertaken, together with specific recommendations on frequency of updating. The project resulted in guidelines for signposts and links to other sources and a template for the presentation of online LLMI. The final report also made recommendations about:

  • the sources and geograph(y)(ies) that could be used (e.g. Learning and Skills Council areas and/or Local Authority areas) to research LLMI for an online facility, which took account of compatibility amongst different available data sets
  • the level of geographical disaggregation to which different types/sources of LLMI
  • the sources and nature of vacancy information
  • types of technical support required to facilitate knowledge creation through onine discussion compatible with work on the NGRF
  • the extent of any gaps in provision that exist for written resources on occupations to be used by advisers with their clients


Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., Green, A., Orton, M. & Davies, R. (2005) Ufi learndirect: Enhancement of the National Resource Service. Local Labour Market Information Feasibility Study, Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research.

Project duration: 2005

IER project team:

Jenny Bimrose

Sally-Anne Barnes

Anne Green

Michael Orton

Rhys Davies


Ufi learndirect