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Call for Papers - International Workshop - Safety and liability rules in European ski areas

The Law of Tourism Sports site launches a call for papers open to scholars interested to present their work at the International Workshop “Safety and Liability Rules in European Ski Areas” that will be held at the University of Trento on December 11th-12th, 2015.

Participants from Italy, France, Austria and Poland are already scheduled, so we especially welcome applications from scholars from any other European country (Switzerland included) where the topics of the workshop are likely to raise scholarly interest.

The workshop will provide a first academic venue for canvassing and discussing the legal and economic issues surrounding the pursue of safety in the European ski areas, with an overall focus on how well the rules of civil liability and the regulations enforced by the national courts of the European Member states represented in the workshop score when considered in light of the goal of the optimal distribution of the social costs of ski accidents.

One of the possible goals of the workshop is to assess to what extent existing differences among the Member states, as to the legal rules deployed to increase the safety of ski areas, may affect the competition in the market of winter tourism destinations within the EU, suggesting the feasibility of drafting uniform rules at the European level affecting the level of safety of ski areas and the civil liability of skiers and ski area operators.

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