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UCU Strike Action – Thursday 17 March and Thursday 24 March

The University and College Union (UCU) has formally notified the University that it intends to call its University of Warwick membership out for two days of strike action on 17 March and 24 March 2011. Colleagues will be aware that UCU opened two ballots for Industrial Action on 17 February and closed them on 2 March 2011. The first ballot related to the 2010 national claim regarding the 0.4% pay award and the lack of a national agreement on job protection. The second ballot concerned the "proposed detrimental changes to USS and retaining comparable pension benefits." Members of UCU were asked to vote on whether to take strike action and / or action short of a strike (ASOS) in support of these issues.

The two ballots have returned results in favour of both strike action and Action Short of a Strike (ASOS). The ballot on the pensions issue is a local result for the University of Warwick whereas the results for the pay and job protection ballot have been aggregated at national level.

The planned action on 17 March and 24 March is with respect to the local ballot on pensions. The University has not received any notification from UCU of planned action with respect to the ballot on the national claim on pay and job protection nor any notification of an intention to pursue ASOS on either issue.

The University is writing to Heads of Department separately about business continuity for the two days of planned action but the intention is to maintain usual University business and minimise disruption as far as is possible.

The University regrets that UCU have decided to pursue industrial action. Further information on the latest developments on the USS reform process can be found at

Information for staff

The University’s approach for single days of strike action is to ask staff to self–declare their participation and to withhold a day's pay for those who participate in the action. A further communication will be issued early next week providing information for staff on this process and the implications on pay.

Information for students

The first day of strike action, on Thursday 17 March, occurs within term-time. The University's official position is that normal functions will continue on the day of the strike and if in doubt, students should turn up as normal for classes. Teaching or other University functions will not be cancelled unless we are certain that these cannot continue because of the industrial action. The University will also carefully monitor the impact of the strike on teaching activity.

The University takes very seriously any action which undermines study and will be working closely with Departments to minimise any adverse impact on students.