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General Strike Day 2: Wednesday 5 May 1926

Outside the offices of The Daily Herald

[Outside the offices of 'The Daily Herald', from a slide for a talk on the General StrikeLink opens in a new window, included in the archives of Henry Sara]

The people as a whole remain calm and confident and bear their inconveniences and hardships with good temper and fortitude"

BBC news broadcastLink opens in a new window, 9.30pm

  • First issue of the Government newspaper ‘The British Gazette’, edited by Winston Churchill, is published at the offices of the ‘Morning Post’. In response the Trades Union Congress produces its own newspaper ‘The British Worker’ at the offices of 'The Daily Herald'; though a police raid delays publication (Tuesday’s edition of 'The Daily Herald' had included information about how BBC broadcasts could be blockedLink opens in a new window).
  • London taxi-drivers, who hadn’t been called out by the Trades Union Congress, join the strike.
  • William Joynson-Hicks, the Home Secretary (also known as Jix), makes a radio appeal for volunteers to serve as Special ConstablesLink opens in a new window.
  • Sir Kingsley Wood, government representative in the north-east area, meets with the Northumberland and Durham Joint Strike Committee to discuss co-operating to unload food supplies in the docks. The talks continue tomorrow. No arrangements are agreed and in the House of Commons the government later officially denies that the meetings happened.
  • Minor disturbances in various towns and cities, including East London, Newcastle, Leeds, Edinburgh, Nottingham and Stoke on Trent.
  • Police raid the head office of the Communist Party of Great Britain in Covent Garden, London.
  • Major Albert Newby Braithwaite wins the parliamentary by-election in Buckrose, Yorkshire, for the Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • The M.C.C issue a statement recommending the continuation of county cricket matches "as well as circumstances permit", and the provision of the best available elevens to play the touring Australian cricket team, "out of courtesy to our guests".

Selected sources:

See all digitised sources for Day 2Link opens in a new window