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Exam Bag Storage During Summer Exams

Noting the University’s policy that bags are not allowed in exam rooms, during the main exam period this year (16 May – 23 June), following discussions with the Student’s Union, the University is trialling the provision of a controlled central storage facility, where you can leave your bags whilst taking exams.

The facility will be staffed and located in the Student Union Building on main campus.

  • Copper Rooms 2, Atrium entrance (upstairs in the SU Atrium) apart from
  • 9th, 16th and 23rd of June: The IKEA Space (Downstairs in the SU Atrium, next to the pharmacy)

The facility is free of charge, but please note that whilst the University will supervise the facility and ensure it is attended during opening times, students are individually responsible for insuring their personal belongings and the University cannot be held responsible for loss of, or damage to, any articles deposited in the facility.

Please also remember to leave enough time in advance of your exam to drop off your bag - the Bag Storage will stop taking bags 30 minutes before exams start. You can still leave your bags outside the exam venue, but this is not secure storage.