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CE934 Employer Engagement and Labour Markets & CE928 Employer Engagement and Labour Markets (Certificate)

Module leader: Korin Grant

The CE934 Employer Engagement and Labour Markets (20 credits) and CE928 Employer Engagement and Labour Markets (Certificate) (10 credits) modules enable participants to:
1/ Develop understanding and skills in employer engagement and labour market intelligence in order to facilitate learning in at least one context (CE928) or two contexts (CE934).
2/ Develop confident and creative employer engagement practice linked to labour market intelligence and informed by key career development concepts.
3/ Develop and enhance effective practice appropriate to a range of career and employability-related roles e.g. management, education, marketing, employer-facing, information, advice, guidance or coaching.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:
1/ Comprehensively distinguish a range of aims, roles and contexts (including international) relevant to employer engagement.
2/ Systematically identify findings from labour market analysis and contrasting perspectives on graduate employability.
3/ Critically describe sources of labour market intelligence (including international) and relevant theoretical perspectives.
4/ Critically evaluate labour market intelligence and graduate employability.
5/ Carefully analyse employer engagement practices and stakeholder needs.
6/ Systematically apply the knowledge listed above to enhance delivery in at least in at least one context (CE928) or two contexts (CE934).
7/ Creatively use the knowledge listed above to design revised or new provision in at least one context (CE928) or two contexts (CE934).
8/ Carefully and thoroughly present material in clear written form by identifying, analysing and applying key texts and practices using appropriate and adequate structure, spelling, grammar, syntax, length and referencing.

Outline Syllabus
1/ Introduction and overview.
2/ The contexts in which employer engagement work is undertaken.
3/ The aims and goals of employer engagement work.
4/ Relationship with career development theories (e.g. social learning, community interaction).
5/ Facilitating career and employability learning through employer engagement and use of labour market intelligence.
6/ Media influences and labour market intelligence.
7/ Comparing and contrasting sources of labour market intelligence.
8/ Understanding employer, student, graduate and institutional needs.
9/ Contrasting perspectives on graduate employability.
10/ Internationalisation in relation to employer engagement and labour market intelligence.
11/ Creating, recording and disseminating labour market findings.
12/ Policies and practices to maintain appropriate levels of labour market intelligence.
13/ Employer engagement case studies (internal-facing focus).
14/ Employer engagement case studies (external-facing focus).
15/ Internationalisation case studies.
16/ Evaluation (reaction, learning, transfer and impact criteria).
17/ Integration into existing and/or future working context.

Summary of teaching
15 hours (CE928) or 30 hours (CE934) of blended learning, predominantly distance learning-led with materials provided via a virtual learning environment, supported by online module reading and webinar support.

Module timing and duration
Usually, this module runs all year round. Participants are allowed 5 months to complete.

Summative assessment
The assignment consists of a 2500 (CE928) or 5000 word project (CE934). Typically, this entails evaluating employer engagement and labour market intelligence in relation to one or two areas of work respectively.

Useful links

Modules and Key Dates