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Developing Leaders Day

dldWhat is Developing Leaders Day?

Developing Leaders Day is an intense, highly interactive course in leadership education and team-working skills, targeted at committee members and executives of other student societies, to build essential management and presentation skills needed to successfully run their societies and securing a job in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Experienced speakers will be giving leadership talks and training, and students will be engaged in a competitive environment in order to enhance their learning experience.

The Participants

Our specific target audience are the executive committees and leadership teams of all the other campus societies. We aim to empower them to step into their leadership roles in their respective society over the year. The participants are students who desire to discover the secret of being a good leader. These students are pre-selected to maintain a high quality learning environment, and have the drive and motivation to get involved in their community and with future employers.

Past sponsors  

Barclays Capital, QS, Zurich, GE, GSK and Alcatel-Lucent have found that working with AIESEC is a successful way to interact with proactive, intelligent, final year undergraduates and postgraduates.

For sponsorship enquiries, please contact us at