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Protect the Human Week 2010


Protect the Human Week is HERE!

Week 5 of Term 2.    


Below is the Calendar for Protect the Human Week 2010:

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza


This day will focus on the humanitarian issues related to the Gaza conflict and will highlight the human rights abuses perpetrated on both sides and it will be run in conjuction with Warwick Friends of Palestine.

The detrimental implications of the blockade of Gaza on its populations, violating their basic human rights to education, free movement, access to clean water and food and to live a secure life.

The recent Amnesty report "Failing Gaza" showed how even a year after the Gaza War December 2008, there's is still no reconstruction happening in the strip and the gazan people are still suffering from severe and inhumane living conditions.

Please help us raise awareness of the much neglected humanitarian crisis many people are suffering due to the Conflict, by taking part in our solidarity events monday week 5.



Campaining, petitioning, letter-writing, photo- projections, selling of Solidarity merhcandise

5:30-7:30 pm

Talk on the “Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza” (interval with free humous and pita)
- Israel/Palestine Expert from Amnesty International UK
- Speaker from Palestine Trauma Centre, London
- Students reporting back form Viva Palestina Convoy and Gaza Freedom March                                                                  

For more information please contact the day organiser, Marie Pettersson at

Demand Dignity

Demand D


"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights..."

Universal Declaration of Human Rights read, Article 1

Amnesty International newest campaign Demand Dignity focuses on the basic human rights violations such as access to clean water, housing and health that affect people living in the poorest conditions.

Amnesty is taking concrete measures and is working to mobilise its members to fight injustice in three key areas: Stop forced evictions, Corporate Accountability and Maternal Health.

11am - 3pm
Around campus and on the Piazza

DEMAND DIGNITY DAY will try to re-create a Slum settlement on the Piazza with makeshift shacks made of cardboard boxes. Warwick Amnesty asks you to take a moment to think about people in slums and informal settlements such as the Deep Sea community in the outskirts of Nairobi facing threats of forced eviction by the Kenyan government, and asks you to sign a postcard that will be sent to Kenyan authorities on your behalf.


11am - 3pm
On the Piazza

Project Ayuda will provide refreshments and will display their jewelry on sale!


5pm - 7pm
L5 (Room next to the big lecture theater L3 in the Science concourse)

Discussion on Corporate Social Responsibility

One of Demand Dignity's aims is to for companies to recognise Corporate Accountability. Their biggest campaign so far has been to condemn Shell's act on the Niger Delta and the negative externalities on Oil Extraction for the indigenous Ogoni People.

We will discuss what Corporate Social Resposibility really means after an introductory video, a presentation by Fabio de Franceschi, master student reading MA in International Employment Relations and a staged debate organised by the Debating society. Come share your views!

The Constant Gardener


Film showing of the Constant Gardner, with Warwick Student Cinema.

At 7:30pm
in L3, Science Concourse

For more information please contact the day organiser, Francesca Morgante at


 Abolish the death penalty 

Death Penalty


One of Amnesty's oldest and most established campaigns.

This day will feature one of the most high-profile events of the whole week as we see 2 incredibly influential death penalty activists coming to Warwick.

Sunny Jacobs and Peter Pringle spent nearly 35 years on death rom between them for crimes they did not commit.

Come along to hear their stories as well as being able to get involved in some campaign stunts and an ethical debate.


11am - 4pm
Staged demonstration and petitioning to end Death Penalty.



Ethical Debate about Death Penalty, featuring the Religious societies on campus and Warwick Debating Society.


4pm - 6pm
Sunny Jacobs nd Peter Pringle give a speech about the experience of their years spent on death row.

For more information please contact the day organisers Chess O'Hara at or Chris Christmas at


Refugees and Asylum


This day will feature events and campaigns highlighting both the UK and the international aspects of probolems facing refugees and asylum seekers.

All day there will be fantastic photo exhibtion highluighting the plight of destitute asylum seekers in the UK, this will be held in ths SU lounge in Union North.


1 - 3pm
Meeting Rooms 2&3, SUHQ
Speech by Liz Peretz a lawyer from the Asylum Tribunals Project and Bill MacKeith, the chaiman of a group called Barbed Wire Britain who campaign against the closure of the Campsfield Detention centre.
As well as these two inspirational speakers talking about their experiences wotrking with the rights of asylum seekers this will be the introductory event to an exciting campaign whereby Warwick students will be trained to go along to Asylum Tribunals in Birmingham to take notes and make sure they are carried out in accordance with international Human Rights law.
NB: This is a great opportunity for law students to get human rights law experience!


11am - 3pm

Project Ayuda stall.

Project Ayuda who will be on hand with information realted to the issue of internally displaced peoples.

We will also have a petition focused on the asylum issue and a jewellery sale by Project Ayuda who send their profits directly back to Colombia to help the refugees and internally displaced peoples there.


6 - 8pm
Screening of 3 short films related to the refugees and asylum issue:
- A very powerful documentary made for Amnesty by the renowned film director Nick Broom

field. It highlights the destitution iof refused Asylum Seekers in the UK.
- A film made by one of our own students here at Warwick, Shoshana Eilon, which has already won awards. It is about Israeli refugees.
- A video shot by two Amnesty members at the Coventry Refugee Centre and tyherefore highlights how this issue even exists locally to us.
These screeningsd will be followed by a short discussion of the issues raised.

For more information please contact the day organised Emily Death at



Terrorism and security



"Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve."
George W. Bush

Funny that, considering terrorism is the word that has penetrated the global discourse of the past decade. To crack down on terrorism, authorities have felt the need to intensify security. To see the blatant links between the two, one only needs to look at the unjust and ridiculous shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes in the sensational aftermath of 7/7.

But do we really need cameras on our street corners?

Do we really need to rob an individual of 42 days of freedom to decide whether they are a threat to our society?

What are politicians' stances on ID cards, and are they necessary, or a symbol of a police state that is putting more and more control on its citizens?

What are the repercussions of the closure of Guantanamo Bay? What will happen to its detainees? Many will be deported to other underground prisons all over the world, where interrogation methods are reportedly worse than those used in Guantanamo.

As the final day of "Protect the Human Week", Warwick Amnesty will be hosting "Terrorism and Security Day", as a platform to discuss and debate these issues.


11am - 3pm
Petition stall and Information. Watch out for Amnesty Members caged up in orange suits!


3:30 - 5pm
Talk from Claire Boyen, NO2ID, with Q&A session.


6 - 8pm

Debate: What does the closure of Guantanamo mean? What has Obama's presidency accomplished?
In collaboration with Warwick Debating Society.
Chaired by SU President Andrew Bradley.

For more information please contact the day organiser Emily Wight at

Piazza Sleepout

Piazza Sleepout


For the final event of Amnesty International's annual Protect the Human Week, the students of Warwick's Amnesty group will be sleeping out on the Piazza on the night of Friday 11th of February.

This event will highlight the destitution of refused asylum seekers in the UK and the plight of people all round the world living without their basic human rights such as housing and access to clean water and sanitation.

The event will be run in association with Project Ayuda, Warwick STAR and FoPal.

Refreshments will be provided for all participants and Project Ayuda will be giving you hot chocolate!

As well as this, there will be a stall at the sleepout containing loads of information about the campaigns we featured during the week and a petition related to each one.

Everyone is welcome so come along and bring your friends! The more the merrier!
This is one easy and fun way to stand up for those whose human rights are being violated all round the world.

As this is a sponsored event please donate generously here on our justgiving page.


We have been making preparations for Protect the Human Week since Term 1 and we urge everybody who is interested in our work to come to support our events.

If you have partiticipated to the events and you would like to offer your comments, criticism or suggestions for next year's Protect the Human Week, please do not hesitate to contact the society at

For more information please refer to the Protect the Human Week 2010 Facebook event page.

This is your world. Get involved. Protect the Human.

Protect the Human


We will soon post pictures from previous Protect the Human Weeks.



Each day will be full of interesting events, so make sure to check this page and to find out more about what will take place!



If you have any ideas and ways to support us for in organising Protect the Human Week don't forget to contact us and to come along to our weekly meetings. We welcome all inputs and we would be most grateful for your enthusiasm and help!
