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My Teaching

I currently teach on the honours level undergraduate English dept module: Ends and Beginnings, which features texts from 1880-1914 and explores the rich cultural context of the fin de siécle. Topics include: empire and slum fiction, new women, degeneration, aestheticism and emergent technologies.

Seminars: Monday: 12.30-2.00pm (Writer's Room, Milburn House), 3.00-4.30pm (G.03, Milburn House) and 4.30-6.00pm (G.03, Milburn House).
Office Hour: Monday 6.00-7.00pm, G.03.

Hand-outs for my students (click links to download) (Word Document)

Semester 1:
Week 2 - The Diary of a Nobody
Week 3 - Maggie, a girl of the Streets et al. 
Week 4 - In Darkest London;  powerpoint 
Week 5 - A Child of the Jago; powerpoint
Week 7 - London and the Experience of Immigration
Week 8- The Romance of a Shop
Week 9 - The Beetle
Week 10 - The War of the Worlds

Semester 2:
Week 1 - Ghosts; Mrs Warren's Profession
Week 2 - Daughters of Decadence
Week 3 - Arabian Nights; powerpoint
Week 4- Queer Histories
Week 5 - Queer Poetics
Week 7 - The Blood of the Vampire
Week 8 - Guanya Pau
Week 9 - Anna Lombard; powerpoint
Week 10 - My Brilliant Career ; powerpoint

In 2013/14 I taught on the undegraduate English dept module: Modern World Literatures, which features texts from 1789 to present and accounts for a diverse socio-political and global readership.

Seminar: Thursday 1-2pm H445
Office Hour: Thursday 2-3pm H516

Hand-outs for my students (click links to download) (Word Document) 

Semster 1:
Week 2: Faust
Week 3: Equiano
Week 4: Romantic Poetry
Week 5: Frankenstein
Week 7: Baudelaire and Rimbaud
Week 8: A Doll's House
Week 9: Kokoro
Week 10: Heart of Darkness

Close Reading Handout

Semester 2:
Week 1: Lu Xun, Isaac Babel, Jorges Luis Borges
Week 2: The Metamorphosis
Week 3: Apollinaire and Eliot
Week 4: Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Week 5: Mother Courage & Her Children

Week 7: Endgame
Week 8: Lolita
Week 9: O'Hara, Bishop, Brathwaite, Césaire
Week 10: A Grain of Wheat