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Current projects

The Community Collection is a digital repository for stories, images, and memories

  • The Hispanic Liverpool Project. A digital community project that explores the local and global networks of trade, commerce, migration, travel, tourism, politics and culture connecting the English port city of Liverpool with the Luso-Hispanic world during the long nineteenth century. Includes the Hispanic Liverpool Community Collection, an open-access digital archive that showcases the stories, images and memories of Liverpool's Hispanic communities.
  • The Edwardians and the Making of a Modern Spanish Obsession. A single-authored book that traces the extraordinary transformation in British knowledge about Spain between the tercentenary of the Spanish Armada in 1888 and the end of World War I.
  • A Cultural History of Modern Spanish Literature. Co-authored book with Elena Delgado, Jo Labanyi, Helena Buffery, and María José Olaziregi, which explores the dynamic and complex relationship of literary phenomena, institutions and cultural processes of different periods from the early eighteenth century to the present day.

Recent projects