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The Seventeenth-Century: debates about language, form and ethics: the stage

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Further Reading

Roger Herzel, ‘Theatre, History and Seventeenth-Century France’, Seventeenth-Century French Studies 30.1 (2008), 3 – 16.

Bradby, David, and Calder, Andrew, The Cambridge Companion to Molière (Cambridge: CUP, 2006)

Andrew Calder, Molière: The Theory and Practice of Comedy (London: Athlone Press, 1993)

Gaines, James F., The Molière Encyclopedia (Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 2002).

McCarthy, Gerry, The Theatres of Molière (London & New York: Routledge, 2002).

Norman, Larry F., The Public Mirror: Molière and the Social Commerce of Depiction (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1999).

Forestier, Georges, La Tragédie française : passions tragiques et règles classiques, 2nd ed. (Paris: A. Colin, 2010).

Mazouer, Charles, Le Théâtre français de l’âge classique I (Paris: Champion, 2006).

Phillips, Henry, The Theatre and its Critics in Seventeenth-Century France (Oxford: OUP, 1980).

John D Lyons. ‘The Case for Reasonable Love’, Seventeenth-Century French Studies, 31.2 (2009), 97 – 110.

Mitchell Greenberg, Racine : From Ancient Myth to Tragic Modernity (Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c.2010)

David Maskell, Racine : a Theatrical Reading (Oxford : Clarenden, 1991)

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