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Negotiating the US Job Market

Thursday 14th July 2016, 2-4 pm, Graduate Space, 4th Floor Humanities Building. This talk is not discipline specific; we encourage early career academics in all subjects across the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to join us.

Professor Carole Levin (IAS Visiting Fellow) will give an introductory talk and answer questions on the US job market. She will be joined by Dr Michael Winkelman (Owens Tech), who teaches Literature in the US and went through the US recruitment system himself. This event is aimed at current IAS fellows and other postdocs and advanced PhD students in any subject. Please note that this is for Warwick staff/students only except for participants attending the previous day's Representing Sovereignty symposium who are welcome to stay and join us.

Please register your intention to attend here and please remember to let us know if your plans change and you will not longer be coming on this email renaissance at warwick dot ac dot uk. Then we can offer the place to someone else. We will confirm all places in early July.

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