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Historiography of Britain 1650-1750

Steve Pincus, 1688; The First Modern Revolution (2009) here

Alan Houston and Steve Pincus, A Nation Transformed: England after the Restoration (2001), introduction pp. 1-19 here

Tim Harris, Revolution: The Great Crisis of the Britih Monarchy 1685-1720 (2006) here

Laurence Klein, 'Politeness and the Interpretation of the British Eighteenth Century', The Historical Journal, 45, 4 (2002) review article here

Brendan Simms, Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire, 1714-1783 (Allen Lane: London, 2007), 44-106, 227-73, 307-54. Electronic version of extracts here

Tony Claydon, Europe and the Making of England 1660-1760, (CUP 2007), Introduction. Electronic version here

Hannah Smith, “The Idea of a Protestant Monarchy in Britain, 1714-1760,” Past & Present, 185 (2004), 91-118. This is available electronically at

Mike Braddick, 'State Formation and the Historiography of Early Modern England', History Compass (2004) here

Joad Raymond, 'Seventeenth Century Print Culture', History Compass (2004) here



































































































Tim Harris,