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Track D - Complexity and Computer Science

Session 1 - Monday 21.09 / 10:50-12:30 (B3.03)
10:50-11:10 Introduction - Andras Lorincz - Big Crunch in Computer Science
David Hales (main invited talk) - Bit Torrent: From swarms to collectives
11:50-12:30 Thimo Rohlf - A new class of cellular automata: How spatio-temporal delays affect dynamics and improve computation
Session 2 - Monday 21.09 / 14:00-16:00 (B3.03)
14:00-14:40 Guido Caldarelli - Random hypergraphs and their applications
14:40-15:00 Ben Paechter - Pervasive Adaptation
15:00-15:20 Peter Pollner - Online clustering with CFinder
15:20-16:00 Poster advertisement
Session 3 - Tuesday 22.09 / 10:30-12:30 (B3.03)
10:30-11:10 Michele Sebag - Self Organization and Learning in Cellular Robotics
11:10-11:50 Sabine Hauert - Swarms of flying robots for Communication Networks
Marti Sanchez - An allostatic control model for robot behavior regulation
Session 4 - Tuesday 22.09 / 14:00-16:00 (B3.03)
14:00-14:40 Gábor Terstyánszky - Creating Complex Systems by Integrating Desktop and Service Grids
Bruce Edmonds - Achieving Consensus Among Agents - opinion-dynamics meets belief revision
15:00-15:40 Katalin Lázár : A formal Language Theoretic Approach to Distributed Computing on Dynamic Networks
Session 5 - Friday 25.09 / 10:30-12:30 (DigiLab Auditorium MOVED TO B3.03, same room as Mon and Tue)

10:30-11:10 Jürgen Jost - Can Robots Communicate?
11:10-11:30 Graziano Barnabei - The Peace Mediator Effect
11:30-11:50 Qinna Wang - Detecting overlapping communities in graphs

11:50-12:30 Sadie Creese, Paul Hopkins (DigiLab) - Security Challenges in Clouds