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Displacements: The Novel without Frontiers

Real Gabinete Portugues de Leitura, Rio de JaneiroThis project harnesses the substantial expertise at Warwick and the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and other institutions in the state of São Paulo on the development of the novel as a genre during the “long” nineteenth century (here encompassing the late eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries). Using the theme of “displacements” as its springboard, it brings together work being done in the subfields of world literature, book history, postcolonial studies, and gender studies to chart the development of the novel as both a phenomenon that develops out of the specific circumstances of European industrialization, capitalism, and imperialism, as scholars long have recognized, but also a genre that resists these metanarratives both in terms of its transnational appeal and readership and in terms of “indigenization”/“indigeneity” in contexts like Latin America, India, and China.


The project is funded by FAPESP (the São Paulo Research Foundation), the British Academy and the University of Warwick.

Core Team Members

Dr Jorge de Almeida, Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada, Universidade de São Paulo

Dr Kirsty Hooper, Modern Languages and Cultures-Hispanic Studies, Warwick

Dr Michael Meeuwis, English & Comparative Literary Studies, Warwick

Dr Tara Puri, English, Bristol (formerly of the IAS / English & Comparative Literary Studies, Warwick)

Dr Mariana Teixeira, Departamento de Letras/ Unifesp-Guarulhos

Picture: Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, Rio de Janeiro © Sandra Guardini Teixeira Vasconcelos


Dr Ross G. Forman
Associate Professor, Department of English and Comparative
Literary Studies, Warwick

Professor Sandra Guardini Teixeira Vasconcelos
Professor in the Departamento de Letras Modernas, Former Director of the Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin, University of São Paulo