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Patient Reported Outcome

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Improving outcomes for patients with fractures of the proximal femur

Funder: NIHR Programme Development Grant

Start date: November 2011. End date: January 2013.

PI: Matt Costa (Warwick Medical School)

Collaborators: Kirstie Haywood (Warwick), Xavier Griffin (Warwick), Felicity Boardman (Warwick), Frances Griffiths (Warwick).

Description: Two workstreams: 1) Systematic reviews of the quality and acceptability of PROMs – a) evaluated following completion by older people; b) an update of the review of PROMs evaluated following completion by people who have sustained hip fracture. 2) Qualitative interviews and focus groups with patients, carers and health professionals. Kirstie Haywood will be responsible for conducting both reviews. KH will also advise on the interviews and focus groups, and contribute to the expert panel.

Progress: Initial team meeting November 2011. Aim to complete systematic reviews by end of January 2012. A team meeting has been arranged for January 2012 to discuss review findings and to inform subsequent interviews and focus groups. Ethical approval now awarded for patient interviews and focus groups; currently negotiating R&D permission for data collection from participating hospital.

Fri 04 Nov 2011, 08:09 | Tags: NIHR