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Chemistry Dalton 2016

Dalton 2016

The Dalton 2016 meeting will be held at the University of Warwick between March 29th 2016 and March 31st 2016.

Registration will start at 11 am on the 29th of March 2016, with the programme starting at 13:30, and the meeting to close by about 13:30 on March the 31st.

The programme is now available here (updated 26/03/2016)

A hard copy including oral abstracts will be given to all delegates on arrival at Warwick.

Joining Instructions have been emailed - please contact Claudia Blindauer if you have not received them.

Abstracts for talks are here.

Additional oral abstracts (26/03/2016)

Poster list and abstracts are here.

As a joint meeting of the

  • Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Discussion Group
  • Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry Discussion Group
  • Main Group Chemistry Discussion Group
  • Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group
  • Solid State Chemistry Discussion Group

Dalton 2016 will showcase the depth and breadth of Inorganic Chemistry.

This meeting follows on from the huge success of Dalton 2012 and 2014 which were each attended by around 300 delegates from multiple countries.

We can confirm the following Keynote speakers:

  • Jonas Peters (Cal Tech)
    Synthesis of novel first row transition metal complexes with relevance to living systems and energy materials, and studies of their electronic structures and reactivities
  • Antoni Llobet (The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, ICIQ)
    Mechanistic studies of redox catalysis by transition metal complexes for technological applications, including catalytic oxidation of water to dioxygen (artificial photosynthesis) and photo-production of hydrogen from water and sunlight
  • Claire Carmalt (UCL)
    Application of organometallic chemistry to problems in materials deposition, most notably the development of "designed" molecular precursors targeted for thin film growth by chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
  • Martin Warren (Kent)
    Biosynthesis and biology of the pigments of life, encompassing metallocofactor molecules such as vitamin B12, heme and siroheme, and synthetic biology approaches to reconstructing whole synthetic pathways in cells
  • Martha Greenblatt (Rutgers)
    Synthesis and crystal growth of novel transition metal compounds with quasi-low-dimensional properties, including perovskite-related manganates, coboltates and ferrates, transition metal oxide bronzes, metal cluster chalcogenides, transition metal nitrides, and high temperature superconductors
  • Eric Rivard (University of Alberta), Mike Lappert Memorial Lecturer
    Fundamental synthetic inorganic chemistry with focus on the stabilisation of reactive intermediates/new bonding environments across the period table, and the generation of new polymeric materials for solar cell devices and active components for the electronics industry

And the following RSC prize winners:

  • Pedro Pérez (Universidad de Huelva)
    Development of alkane C-H functionalisation reactions, including those of methane, and other reactions catalysed by metal carbenes
  • Peter Ford (University of California, Santa Barbara)
    Fundamental studies of mechanisms of inorganic photochemistry, homogeneous catalysis and the bioinorganic chemistry of nitric oxide and related nitrogen oxide species
  • Todd Marder (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
    Fundamental studies of the synthesis, structure, bonding, reactivity and photophysical properties of organometallic compounds, and their applications in homogeneous catalysis and materials chemistry
  • Chris Barnard (Industrial, Johnson-Matthey)
    Research in the field of platinum group metal chemistry for catalytic and medicinal applications in industry

In addition, Rachel Dunn (Durham) will give a talk on the life and work of John Dalton, in this, the 250th anniversary of his birth.

Around seventy further contributed talks will be scheduled.

The RSC Dalton Division is delighted to announce that the Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Dalton Poster Competition will take place at Dalton 2016. Two first prizes of a £1000 bursary to attend an international conference will be awarded.

Registration is now closed.

Dalton 2016 is co-organised by Jon Rourke, Claudia Blindauer and Nick Le Brun.
In the first instance, please direct all queries to




Meeting sponsors





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