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C16 Short term joint staff training event

C16 will take place in Athens, Greece from Wednesday 29th March to Sunday April 2nd 2017. It will take place at the same time as the Athens Science Festival.

C16 is described in the project proposal (p59) as "Familiarisation with revised MC resources Year 3 at Edumotiva 2016". There is provision in the budget for a 'full' attendance from all the partners at C15 (see p73 of the proposal) and we expect to have representatives from all our partners apart from Helix5. (These are currently Dimitris Alimisis, Rene Alimisi and Manolis Zoulias from Edumotiva, Meurig Beynon, Elizabeth Hudnott, Nick Pope and Chris Hall from Warwick, Hamish Macleod from Edinburgh, Peter Tomcsanyi and Michal Winczer from Comenius and possible representatives yet to be confirmed from UEF.)

For this third year of the CONSTRUIT! project, the topical 'revised MC resources' are based on the variant of the MCE that was first developed for C6, elaborated in the course of the following year and trialled at C7. These have since been enhanced through the re-engineering of the interface by Nick Pope and Jonny Foss that transforms the way in which construals and related project resources can be presented, saved and shared. By way of background to the meeting, it will be most helpful to consult the construal of the online resources developed by the CONSTRUIT! team in the course of the project, which may be found at

The primary concern for our meeting will be to review the progress of the project towards the objectives set out in the proposal. These relate to the current status of the open online course on making construals, the evaluation of the resources developed for this course and the status of the six claims that have been the subject of investigation during the project. Relevant work that has been done in preparation for the CONSTRUIT 2017 conference to be held at Warwick from 13-16th July, which will also be an important subject for discussion. It will also be useful to consider the agenda for C16 in conjunction with that of the C13 and SciFest 2017 ("On the Road") meeting which will take place in the second week of May 2017. The project website at is also an important topical focus of concern.

A skeleton agenda for the meeting drawn up by the Edumotiva team is as below. Specific topics for discussion and links to relevant resources will be added to the more detailed draft schedule now under construction

Wednesday 29/3/2017

16:00-17:30 Project progress overview
17:30-17:45 Break
17:45-19:00 Output 1 progress review

The "Making Construals" open online course: a curriculum, an instrument and resources

Thursday 30/3/2017
09:15- 11:00 Output 1 progress review:

The "Making Construals" open online course: a curriculum, an instrument and resources

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15- 13: 00 Output 1 progress review:

The "Making Construals" open online course: a curriculum, an instrument and resources

13:00- 14:00 Lunch
14:00- 16:00 Output 1 progress review:

The "Making Construals" open online course: a curriculum, an instrument and resources

Friday 31/3/2017
09:15- 10:30 Output 2 progress review:

An evaluation of the 'Making Construals' open online course

10:30-10:45 Break
10:45- 13:00 Output 3 progress review:

An evaluation of claims for 'Making Construals'

13:00- 14:00 Lunch
14:00- 16:00 CONSTRUIT 2017 Conference preparation

Saturday 1/4/2017
11:00-13:00 Workshop with teachers (5-6 to be invited)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Athens Science Festival

Sunday 2/4/2017
11:00- 14:00 Athens Science Festival