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Routes to dissemination are largely governed by the view of the beneficiaries and partners. Most of the more theoretical and analytical developments are best placed in the public domain at the earliest opportunity. They will be published in fully refereed international journals and at a few selected major conferences. The choice of conference is governed by timing and geography and will be decided as the project progresses, however there should be several in Europe (possibly a combined European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology [euspen]/UME meeting if one arises) and at least two in the USA and two in south-east Asia (3M-NANO). Overall, the scope of the project indicates that in excess of 36 papers should be produced within the four years of the project.

To disseminate initiatives directed at the general public, and thus create awareness of the importance of functional surfaces to society and raise awareness of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the FabSurfWAR project will provide regular research seminars/workshop days/project open days with different themes at the participant organisations to allow school/university students, industrial end users and/or general public to visit the research labs and receive first-hand experience or lectures related on the functional surfaces with controllable wettability, adhesion and reflectivity. To encourage cross disciplinary collaboration and maximise benefit to a wider audience, e-Newsletters, Multimedia releases and Newspapers articles on the work at the different stage of the proposed research will be prepared and released. All the participants are expected to visit several European and/or worldwide collaboration partners and to give talks on their research and achievements, and help to attract more potential collaborators to the FarbSurfWAR consortium.